On November 20, 2006 Vladislav Surkov's clause "Nationalization of the future has been published. Paragraphs pro sovereign democracy" with the thesis about the sovereign democracy based of an ideological platform of a party «Edinaya Russia» and sounded at the seventh congress in Yekaterinburg on December 2, 2006. This chaotic clause written, as if under pressure, applies for a role of ideology of party in power. Ideologies on which it is offered to live to Russian people the next ten years till 2017. We shall consider in detail this clause in view of offers on nationalization of the future of Russia, and actually privatizations of public authority by existing groups of anonymous authority and fastening of the right of oligarchic elite on authority, mass-media, the property and natural riches of Russia. The preamble of clause is devoted to a substantiation of necessity "to create the new society, the new economy, the new army, new belief". Thus the author leans on an idea that "advantage of the free person demands, that the nation to which it carries himself, also was free in fairly arranged world". It wants "to prove, that about freedom and validity it is possible and should think and speak Russian". Basically, after perusal of a preamble, it is possible to lose at once clause to it interest owing to an inaccuracy of the plan of the author or the customer of the given text. But we shall pacify the desires and we shall return to the analysis of offers of the author. So, what for it is necessary to create a new society? Than our society has not got. Суркову? People patiently wait, when imperious elite, at last, will think up where to go to the country. So what for to shift on shoulders of people a cargo of the responsibility. Since 1917 governors that there will send our people here will send. Know only tombs to dig, yes tens millions people to bury from reprisals and experiments of invaders of Russia. In any way they will not calm down, trying death and sufferings of the population to transform it into "a new society". "The new economy", "new army" - what for to substitute a simple and clear problem of modernization of the country revolutionary slogans about "new"? Especially to create "new belief". If at elite, except for cabbalism other new belief is not present, so she whence will not appear. Our people has belief checked up by centuries monotheism - Orthodoxy and the Islam. Causes bewilderment the requirement of advantage of the free person of freedom for the nation in fairly arranged world. The author has forgotten idea about a free society of free people. A priori the community of free people generates the freedom-loving nation, but not on the contrary. We never shall receive fairly arranged world, we shall not struggle yet for such world. Freedom of goods and validity nobody will present us. Especially groups of a world behind the scenes and his local adherents. For world around we are obliged to construct empire of goods and the validity, bearing light true of freedom and democracy worldwide. For free people and the nations there is no necessity to prove the right to argue on freedom to surrounding peoples. Our souls and freedom are immortal! The right on freedom and language of expression are given to us from a birth, but are not adjusted in any way by the parties forged by authority and officials. Definition of sovereign democracy. Endurances from the Constitution of the Russian Federation "the Carrier of the sovereignty and a unique source of authority in the Russian Federation is its multinational people" and "nobody can appropriate authority in the Russian Federation". Therefore the author offers the formulation of sovereign democracy - "is allowable to define sovereign democracy as an image of a political life of a society at which authorities, their bodies and actions get out, formed and go extremely Russian nation in all its variety and integrity for the sake of achievement of a material well-being, freedom and validity all citizens, social groups and peoples, its forming". Than other as substitution of concepts, this tautology to not define. If a word "sovereignty" similar on "sovereign" it at all does not mean, that has come it is time to replace the imperfect Constitution, on brain pollution let even the high-ranking official. Actually in Russia as, however, and in all the "democratic" world, the authority of people is appropriated by the local groups of anonymous authority supervised by the international network structures, so-called Washington Obcom, or, in the left representation, the American imperialism. Let's define groups of anonymous authority:
"Groups of anonymous authority are any people or the groups of people organized in secret or officially not registered associations, substitutions of imperious functions of the state having the purpose, his institutes, church or the world community" Therefore democracy, as well as a fresh fish, happens only to one standard. True democracy - this will of people embodied in laws and institutes of public authority, completely accountable to people, instead of the American imperialism. Efforts of all people are necessary for formation of democracy - a civil society. Addition. The author, probably, has not understood, that ultimate goal of true democracy it "autocracy of people" and this quality of independence, but not the democracy. Thus the author believes to carry out the fair world device through "liberalization of the international attitudes and demonopolization of global economy". Though the sense of any liberalization in creation of the one polar world when has no value the sovereignty of the separate country and people, and economy becomes exclusive on a global scale. Therefore "planetary supermen’s and monopolists" irritate the countries and peoples, which aspire to escape from paws of imperialism and show the advantage in aspiration to freedom. Even more they irritate new institutes of a civil society, construction of the strong state and formation of competitive economy. Therefore only the free society of free people can effectively influence world events, bearing light of true freedom and democracy, which become a cataract on an eye of the American imperialism. Objection. Attempts of the author to prove necessity of use of additional definitions to concept "democracy". This amusing pose to resist to "loud fraction of intellectuals", can surprise the simple inhabitant, in fact to it difficult to understand before whom V. Surkov "is justified". What to us business up to adherents of the fifth colon in Russia? And it "experiences" - whether will understand, whether will estimate. It supposedly not "homebrew" idea. U. Christopher and R. Prodi use expressions about "sovereign democracy". And among these pillars of shadow elite of the world joints the author of these lines. The success is grandiose. There is a democracy "not the fact, and process". It as the socialism in separately taken country - can be "won", can be "advanced". The most important, that each time becomes aggravated class struggle. This lesson was well remembered by political scientists since the childhood. So why to not be democracies in development sovereign, then to become, as well as everywhere - fig list, covering absolute power of world imperialism? "Carry of an accent on separate components of democratic process is inevitable and necessary in each new point of historical space - time. In each new context of permanent rivalry of people and doctrines" It is no more and not less. Amazing ascertaining of the fact of the obsession of compulsion of people to studying the fabricated doctrines. We are not guilty, that the author receives the salary for the doctrines. And from a pocket of tax bearers. Therefore objections are not accepted by him and are not considered. So at once also have told. Context. It appears Russian "initiated grandiose democratization of vital way - as the, and sets taking place on an orbit of their political and cultural influence of peoples. The enterprise this, movable (very much our way) is more impudence, than the calculation, burdened by monstrous mistakes and victims, began, at the same time, the most promising certificate of global modernization". They were typically "Russian" people who have created revolution in 1917.300 ardent fighters and fellow tribesmen Trotsky (Bronstein) and the same 33 fellow tribesmen from Lenin's (Form) retinue. Therefore "human expansion (so-called progress)" has led to creation of the sovereign democracy entangled "imperious hierarchy itself adjustable networks, is shorter - than democracy". I believe, that these networks that other, as the international network structures of imperialism with attraction their new adherents from the Russian elite. Thus the author recognizes, that this process leads to occurrence "to irreparable injustice and inliberty". Speaking without a tinsel and pathos, democracy on the basis of domination of shadow structures of authority leads to totalitarianism and a despotism of separate clans and the international structures. And even in it "business there is a pragmatism and romanticism. There will be allies and opponents. And - mission" can consist. Differently, process of development of democracy of imperialism in sovereign democracy is revolutionary process of clearing from fetters and authorities of the international network structures. It is very romantic to turn from vassals in new сюзеренов. Yes whom it will allow you - the American imperialism or Russian people? The answer uncontested. Accent. Clearing of backward adherents of international subjects, appears, there is "a military - police aspect of independence". And it "accepts extreme forms of an isolationism and violent administration". "The understanding of the sovereignty as freedom and competitiveness of an open society only starts to develop, from here - actualization of a theme". Independence of the nation to equate to concept of freedom and competitiveness as to quality of an open society it is too dim. Freedom is defined by freedom of will. Competitiveness is an economic category. There cannot be a person free, freer or completely free. "To support the sovereignty without damage to democracy and to be open, not losing identity, - a problem for beginning not trivial". It would be desirable to pay attention the author to the fact of a list of a management of Russia in the incompetence. If you "beginning" so it is time to release borrowed places for knowing and professionals. Russian people are not guilty that in elite of the country were dug round heathen. Show will and democratic посыл - allow other people to supervise over Russia. Therefore the author judges - "adjectives now under suspicion, the accent can be put: sovereign". The incorrect answer, an accent can be put on an adjective - "incompetent". Sovereign. It is difficult to not agree with the author, that "to endow today national freedom for the sake of fashionable hypotheses would be as recklessly, as in due time - for the sake of Karl Marx phantoms. And to pay off with her for a meal and clothes (and even for "equipment") - both it is reckless, and it is humiliating". Thus the impression is created, that the author the examples proves the thesis that Russia with disorder of the USSR and arrival of Soviet elite new a post, practically has completely lost the sovereignty, appearing in serve the West. "Oversees power" became norm. It does not suit the Kremlin and local elite. Huge geopolitics resources of Russia should belong to Russia and to dispose of them Russia should. "The center of the profit from the international projects of use of the Russian resources should be fixed in Russia. As well as the center of authority above its present and the future". Thus the author has not found time to concretize that is meant as Russia - its people, the state or imperious elite. Realities today are those. Russian people and the Russian state de juror and de facto are independent. Were, is and will be. Independence of the West the Soviet elite has lost only a post. They were inspired and happy from absorption by the western elite. Only it was aggressive absorption, but in any way integration. Fraternizations have failed. A post the Soviet elite has been simply occupied by numerous clans and the mighty elected societies, becoming on the voluntary consent of new adherents simple vassals of the lowest level of dedication. In our elite struggle for an accessory to stronger, influential group or club was only conducted. The part of greatness сюзерена automatically gave an aura untouchable on our local adherent. Therefore we deal not with loss of the sovereignty by Russia, but with waste of independence of the Russian elite. Поверженная the Russian elite has resignedly accepted a cargo of voluntary slavery in exchange for an illusive opportunity of preservation of the riches, the stolen money and the real estate, the reliable countries placed in territories. Thus the part of elite is political elite; therefore burden of loss of the sovereignty through their influence has lain on all Russia. It is necessary to understand precisely the fact of that is completely different two phenomena. Loss of elite of the absolute power - the come to pass fact, but loss of independence by Russia - a virtual deceit, a Mirage. Having changed even a part of political elite, having cleaned sent kazachok and having entered in authority new, steady against external influence and doubtful laurels to leave in brotherly embraces with alien elite, we shall sharply correct a situation with independence, as most Russian elite, and with a virtual deceit of "dependence" of Russia from external management. Democracy. Work. The author has truly noticed: "Democracy at us has got accustomed, but приживалка she or the mistress - while a question". However planting of formal attributes not panacea. Quantity of parties, their programs written by one person under different political "painting" of these, the maintenance of the Constitution, a manipulation of mass media and a society, differently as laughter and a sin you will not name. The management of Russia and elite of the country, owing to capture of authority violent and controlled from the outside, be not capable to perceive adequately surrounding validity, to have a necessary educational level, competence and professionalism. In elite there is no the intellectual part, capable to create the theory and practice of democratic construction in the country. During the USSR mighty scientific institutes on studying social studies have been created. Though a subject of their activity were attempts of construction of Mirages, but there was a system. Now the political elite is guided by theoretical development of the West, believing, that they suit and Russia. A priori they are not comprehensible. Why? The western democracy began easy extraction of the secret structures, intended to seize power all over the world. It was possible to them, but has passed centuries before their plans were carried out in full. It was laborious work of generations behind generation. Knowledge and the vector of development of groups of anonymous authority were transferred with cultural tradition. Democracy appeared not protected from integration into it of these network structures. Actually she began easy extraction of refined elite of the West, consider in right to operate the world and peoples. Actually such democracy became a version of totalitarianism. But in itself democracy is not so dangerous, what her believe elite of Russia. There is no necessity to struggle with displays of freedom and democracy in Russia police or administrative measures. On the contrary, freedom and democracy is necessary for protecting in all possible ways. To protect from penetration into its body of groups of anonymous authority, agents of influence, local displays of despotism, official arbitrariness, infringements of the law and unbridled corruption. The main threat for freedom and democracies is substitution of public, legal authority by absolute power of underground elites. Only such elites can be subordinated, and then transfer loss of own sovereignty all over the country. Only such elites try to stake out forever the place at a feeding trough state fed, that anybody other could not take their place received by will of a case, infringement of the law, a crime or payoff. Threat of democracy is born with own elite of Russia including a political, economic and cultural component. Only the sports elite and is less part military than elite cannot be an obstacle of democracy. They achieved the elite condition fair physical work, stability, personal courage and diligence. Besides these elites are limited to physical opportunities and simple ageing of an organism. The modern elite of Russia creates every possible obstacles for updating the numbers by new members of community, limiting inflow of fresh forces by material, subjective and clan barriers, and sometimes and threats of physical violence. Such depressing picture is observed in a policy, mass media, business and executive authority. The elite tries to hand down by hook or by crook the post or a feeding trough to the successors and rising generation. Appeal Solgenicin, "lifted by the President", about the savings of people will not give a positive effect while the mad elite will not come to necessity of the savings and reproduction of the elite, only not methods of a feudal society and rules gold bull, and by attraction of new members, as young, and not so. The main thing that new members of elite were talented, clever, competent of any areas of a life. It is necessary to develop precise and clear rules of involving in elite of these new people. The elite needs to understand, that it will lead not simply to quantitative growth, but qualitative change of structure of all society. The quantity of elite will be defined by natural decline in population; instead of malicious will full lot clans and their masters. It as growth of industrial production, as increase of gross national product, incomes of the population and separate family. By fruitful work collect not only material benefits and property, but also spiritual and a mental potential of a society. The fear of elite to lose the warm places and is natural counteraction to freedom and democracy in our society. And this counteraction accrues directly on our eyes. Crackdown, restrictions on a freedom of speech, assemblies, processions, participation in political strike. Impossibility of illumination of new ideas and changes of a society. Suffocation of a civil freedom is carried out by hands of existing elite which to aspire to prolong the century and a sweet life due to all people. The criminal elite creates conditions for occurrence in the future of bloody conflicts, revolutions, self-destructions of our country. All this is defined not by perception of elite of freedom and democracy. They doom not simply our country to cataclysms, but also the future generations on sufferings and possible death. Attempts to provide the offspring’s all necessary on the party, are caused by that they I realize consequences of usurpation of authority, restrictions of freedom and democracy. Our elite does not have other output, except for training to reproduction of the, delegation of the powers to new members, harmonious development of a society and the state. Acceptance of criticism and an opportunity of loss of the imperious functions. Without change of elite in the country leaders forward development of the state and economy is impossible. Any attempts to be late at authority for the long period lead to stagnation, rotting and loss of the saved up material and spiritual riches. For counteraction it is unique real threat for freedom and democracy in our country as occupation of elite and loss of the sovereignty by her, precise struggle by open, lawful methods against groups of anonymous authority at all levels of authority is necessary. The sovereignty of the state and executive authority is completely defined by independence of elite. It is necessary to develop precise measures on counteraction of involving of elite in the international network structures of the West or the East. Anything to invent it is not necessary. In our laws the crime as change to the Native land is registered. Participation in secret and obvious overseas structures is change of the Native land. If not everything, but the maximum government officials and policies should pass testing for an accessory to these organizations. They should give the written obligation about nonparticipation in similar clubs or societies. It is necessary to develop a certain personal Declaration on this account and to carry out random inspections of reliability of the showed data. Public service not business, therefore this measure is simply necessary for maintenance of independence of our country. Besides candidates for Presidents of the country, and also candidates on elective offices of any level should be exposed to same procedure. Refusal in submission of such Declaration and passage of procedure of testing and check of such information, should lead to a response and impossibility of participation in political activity in communication by the conflict of interests of the candidate. Thus, struggle for freedom and democracy narrow is connected by image to deprivation of influence on a policy and government of representatives of the shadow structures substituting public authority anonymous. The anonymous authority is dictatorship, a despotism and non-freedom. Never she will allow developing freely to our society, and will serve transformation of elite into the closed caste newly appear princes and boyars. Serious work is necessary for formation of the light future in the twenty first century on reproduction of national elite in all areas of a public life. And by means of influence of elite on a society, revival of people and economy - spiritual and material riches. Accumulation of the human capital and preservation of material assets which we lost with frightening frequency the last centuries, yes so, that Russia cannot get in any way club of the prospering and stable countries of the world. Having adjusted processes in a society and elite, we can provide to the full the future of the country and our people. Huge work is necessary for realization of these undertakings on an explanation of these offers to the population and, first of all, elite of the country. An explanation and belief - essence of a policy of the present stage of construction in Russia a civil society. Except for belief of the population it is necessary conduct wide and open philosophical, social and political technology discussion with the West. Openness and authentic proofs of danger of circulation on an occasion at the puppeteers latent from eyes of public by a veil of privacy and medieval errors. Struggle for the traditional human rights based on belief in the God and a cultural heritage of a thousand-year history. Doubts. "Russia has overstrained - the long imperial pressure has deprived with its forces, she has lost passive and leaves a history. Russia breaks up - the Far East has become deserted, Caucasus is embittered. Russia has lagged behind forever - raw lost town, the country of slaves / misters and the eternal poverty which is living from hand to mouth, from hemp on gas. Russia dies out physically - a lethal outcome from loss of the population inevitable …" I believe, that with Russia there were no these horrors. These problems are born with our elite unable to reproduction and delegation of powers to new members of community. Their cowardice and disbelief in the future are connected to the built barrier and fences an oligarchic and bureaucratic layer of elite. An output from impasse of impossibility of modernization of Russia at counteraction of reactionary elite, in development of a civil society, strengthening of freedom and democracy at simultaneous struggle against displays of intervention of alien groups of anonymous authority. Non-permissible to occurrence of any new local shadow structures. Preservation of groups of anonymous authority in cellars of feudal prejudices. Naive attempts of a part of elite to return to the Soviet traditions of the bureaucratic state are new base for occurrence of revolutions and bloody revolutions. They are pulled to the past since during Soviet time Breznev’s the period of anonymous authority practically was not. So create legislative conditions of impossibility of substitution of public authority anonymous! Put here not in socialism, communism or capitalism. A problem in недопущении manipulations authority and a society alien secret structures. Therefore the right to stop our history possesses nobody. The American imperialism for occupation of unsophisticated peoples and democracies can use advice of the philosopher of Fukuyama. I hope, that Russia and elite will make all necessary efforts for an explanation of the position, training of friendly peoples and the countries, protection of true freedom and democracy all over the world. Russian. "The destiny of the Russian nation continuously is solved as the nonlinear equation of diverse interests, customs, languages and religions. Russian, tireless directors of this high destiny, are densely plaited with peoples involved in creation of the many-sided Russian world" it is Difficult to not agree with such formulation of the author. New paint in a palette of self-affirmation of Russian people on the Eurasian open spaces struggle for true freedom and democracy becomes. Light of true freedom will be spilled from the East. It will be freedom from absolute power of underground puppeteers and the international network structures headed by the American imperialism.
Part of these structures is the international terrorism. Therefore struggle against terrorism is inextricably related with counteraction to imperialism. "Russian idea is integrally tolerant. Russian political culture proceeds from the interethnic world and aspires to it. There are no doubts, that the Russian democratic project is open and should be attractive to all Russian peoples". Too remarkable words. Only the Russian democratic project should not be called "sovereign democracy", and to be all-comers competition with the West for the right of declaring and protection of true freedom and democracy. In this fight of ideologies we are doomed for a victory, over clearing elite of Russia from domination of the shadow structures substituting concepts and being a brake of development of Russia. Russian elite should become an example and the leader in construction of a civil society, instead of a brake in his development under the pretext of construction of independence in country separately taken from the American imperialism. Will suffice to attack the same raked of an isolationism and simple down when absence of representation about a real picture of world authority, gives rise to monsters and provokes violence over own people. Europe. Without Europe to us to not live, but to Europe without Russia to not survive. We different. But and Russia it is necessary for Europe to recognize interdependence. The isolationism and crackdown by bureaucracy in Russia leads to aggressive perception of occurring events by Europe. Indignation in Europe has two levels. One level develops from a manipulation of mass-media public opinion by a forcing of a stereotype of pathological hatred to the Russia which arisen not less 800 years ago and has become aggravated after invasions of Golden Horde and a despotism of the USSR. The second level of indignation concentrates at a level of imperious elite, both public, and anonymous. The anonymous authority of Europe spends weight of efforts to twisting of hands to independent peoples of the European Union on the further integration into artificial community, thus she loses the control over the adherents in Russia, which began to prefer vassal dependence European сюзеренам to own ambitions. Thus, breaking firm traditions of discipline and hierarchy of puppeteers. Without ideological expansion to Europe Russia with messianic promotion of true freedom and democracy worldwide, we are doomed for eternal urging on and abuse on the part of the boastful old woman. Autocratic and an isolationism can damage modernizations of economy and a society in Russia, and the openness and adherence to orthodox democratic principles will lower heat and to attempts of the American imperialism to pull out us from numbers of a western civilization. In such political vector of development of Russia, puppeteers of the West hardly should invent new myths about threats, which are born ostensibly in it by Russia. Orthodox democracy and counteraction to domination to the American imperialism a key to modernization and development of Russia. Therefore it is necessary to agree with the author that is necessary "to not drop out of Europe, to keep the West - an essential element of designing of Russia". Only to keep it is necessary not for the American imperialism and his European puppeteers. Interdependence and relationship is stile. An openness and furious struggle against anonymous authority. Modesty. "The modesty and sobriety of a self-estimation will not damage to ambitions, on the contrary, will make them реалистичнее and is more fair. Will remind: for a long time it is time to study to invent, operate, compete". Not clearly, what for here the author has recollected about modesty. Probably, very much it would be desirable to like the chief. With everyone it happens. Only it would be desirable to remind convincingly to working authority and elite of the country that many talented and competent people in Russia can invent, operate and compete, only you do not give even the slightest opportunity on such activity. Thus you humiliate Russia and Russian people. Humiliate itself chosen few and manic hatred to new arising elite. The counteraction to involving in government of new people who does not want to pay for the purposes, and has on this right based on the talent, mind and chosen few by the God. This counteraction criminally also rejects our country and elite in the Stone Age. Greatness. It is difficult to not agree with the author, whether that "the great history of Russia Will receive great continuation, depends only on us, its citizens. Today's greatness is not indisputable, tomorrow's - is univalent. President Putin constantly reminds, that on the agenda not general rest under conversations on the great country, and active work on modernization". Greatness of the country and elite not in appointing to all directions and posts of the schoolmates and school brotherhoods. Colleagues on the last works and simply domestic familiar. By a principle "who will pay other personnel work of a message" more. This will suffice Byzantium down. Modernization of the country is necessary for beginning with modernization of own consciousness and refusal of the approach of feudal princes to the retinue, where a major principle of approach - personal fidelity. "We are obliged to convert raw economy in intellectual to lay Russia a way upward, in the future, in community of the creative nations directing a history". Remarkable words of the author. Only these words should be supported with affairs and successful, instead of to be the next attempt of substitution of concepts and aspiration to privatize democracy in Russia a clan of the elite approached to the Kremlin. For development of freedom and democracy in Russia construction of a civil society, and within the framework of this construction delegation of narrow elite of the powers and is necessary for the responsibility to wide layers of a society which want to participate in creation of new Russia actively. Simple people in the weight are not subject to influence of puppeteers of Imperialism; therefore it is not necessary to be afraid of people. The Russian elite already time precipitate with integration into world elite, having lost the sovereignty. Repeated relapses it is not provided. P.S. "The Text about the sovereign democracy, made on a course of discussion by joint efforts of supporters and critics, - one of interpretations of our recent last and close future". "The only thing to that aspires to promote, - development of effective practice of reproduction of intellectual, moral, political and economic resources of freedom". I hope, that a final reminder not the next joke of the official, and the responsibility of the person burdened with care of our country. I suppose, that "sovereign democracy" the incorrect term, but a plan of the author is clear and allowable. Guards another, that modern representatives of party in power hardly utter this word-combination and for them this simply next task from above. They will make everything, that провалить this instruction. I am afraid, that it will be possible to them. They in it of the master, to them loss of the elitism, as a bone in a drink. I believe, that mission of Russian people and Russia in the modern world this creation of world empire of goods and the validity bearing light of true freedom and democracy to the surrounding countries and peoples. 08.12.2006. |