Grand Prince of All Russia
Valery Viktorovich Kubarev
Grand Kubensky Rurikovich
Русский Wednesday, 12 March 2025
Russian Revolution's Forum

E-books World history, Rus' history and Religions history

Modernization of Russia

Holy Russia - Third Rome
The new subject of international law, the State Holy Russia - Third Rome, 21.09.2013.

Nova Church of Holy Russia
Orthodoxy and Christianity require reforming and release of heresy and obscurantism. 21.09.2011.

The Seljuk Dynasty Origin New!!!
The author put forward a hypothesis according to which the Seljuk’s Sultans came from the Princes of the Russ – Rurikovich Kin, who eventually converted to Islam. The hypothesis was fully confirmed by the identification of the main historical figures of the Seljuk dynasty with the descendants of the Princes St. Vladimir and Yaroslav the Wise. We are talking about the rulers of Sultanate of Rum Sultan Suleiman and his descendants, as well as Tuqaq, Seljuk, Mikail, Israel, Toghrul, Alp Arslan and other Sultans. Princes and their sons from the Principality of Tmutarakan became Seljuk’s Sultans, from where they conquered the countries and peoples of the Caucasus, Iran, Asia Minor and Central Asia. 24.05–12.06.2023.

Synchronization of historical and religious Chronicles
The author correctly synchronizes historical and religious Chronicles of the Ancient World based on a short chronology and linking events to unique celestial phenomena reflected in the annals and Scriptures. The author believes that discrepancies in dates, geographical localities and ethnic origin of historical and religious figures are due to erroneous traditional chronology and historical geography, as well as the deliberate adaptation of phenomena and events to an established paradigm. 20.04–25.05.2020.

Astronomical dating of Biblical events
The author's reconstruction of the history and chronology of religions is fully verified by identifying 15 celestial phenomena described in the Chronicles, including 11 Solar Eclipses, 3 Zodiacs and 1 Supernova. A chronological shift of 1780 years in the history of Ancient Egypt has been confirmed for 6 phenomena, including 3 Solar Eclipses and 3 Zodiacs, including the Eclipse of Pharaoh Takelot on August 8, 891. Astronomically confirmed the date of the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ as March 18, 1010, and the date of death of Ibrahim – the son of the Prophet Muhammad as February 7, 1152 (28 Shawwal 546 AH). 20.02–31.03.2020.

Origin of the gens Rurik
After the break of ties between the metropolis and the Russian principalities, the annals of Byzantium were cleared of the mention of "foreigners" in the management of the Empire, and the Chronicles of Russia did not have time to properly reflect the role of Rurik in world history. A study of the sources of Ancient Rome, New Rome, Russia, Arab countries, Danube and Volga Bulgaria allowed the author to identify the Russ gens and Bulgarian Khagans with the Flavian dynasty, as well as to identify Rurik, his descendants and relatives from the Macedonian dynasty (IX–XI century) and dynasty of Lecapenus (X century). The last Russian Emperor of New Rome been Yaroslav the Wise, throne name Constantine Monomachos. 11.09–21.10.2019.

Chronology of monotheistic religions
The author identified the Patriarchs of monotheism with well-known figures of human history. He proved that the oldest religion of monotheism is Christianity, which had a theoretical character in the I Millennium (Old Testament Christianity) and a practical embodiment at the beginning of the II Millennium (New Testament Christianity). Islam and Judaism emerged only in the early VII century and became radical branches of Christianity. Based on the study of solar eclipses, the author has determined the date and place of the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ (March 18, 1010 in Constantinople), the year of the death of the Prophet Muhammad (1152) and the period creation of the Quran (1130–1152). 01–27.08.2019.

Localization of Ancient Rome
The history of Ancient Rome is well studied, but hides a lot of inconsistencies and contradictions relating to the period of formation of the city and the expansion of the Romans into the world. We believe that the problems are caused by ignorance of the true localization of Ancient Rome in the Volga region on Akhtuba until the Fire on 64 and move city to location of Veii in Italy. The article also considers the aspects of ethnic origin of the peoples of the Latin League, Ancient Rome and Europe. The vector of expansion of Ancient Rome from the Volga region to the Europe coinciding with the migration flows of the Migration Period and the spread of PIE is substantiated. In addition the article considers the dynamics of growth and decline of the population of Ancient Rome in the localities from its inception to sunset and transformation. 23.06–16.07.2019.

Short chronology of Ancient Egypt
The history of Ancient Egypt generated in XIX century, every day finds out all greater discrepancy to modern realities both the newest archeological and tool data, including results of DNA researches of mummies of the Egyptian pharaohs. The chronology of Egypt as whole is considered well investigated and however it has been created for substantiation of an antiquity of Jewish people, instead of for scientific description of one of most ancient terrestrial civilizations. Author's reconstruction of chronology of Ancient Egypt has found out time shift at rate 1780 years in depth of centuries from true dating events. 1-16.06.2019.

Great Tartary or Slavic Empire
The next riddle of world historiography is solved. Present clause is devoted to history and modern condition of one of the most grandiose empires of terrestrial civilization – Great Tartary or Slavic Empires. 04–19.09.2017.

The European Aryans
In present clause the broad audience of the questions connected to probable Aryan origin of various European peoples is considered. Including aspects of possible an Aryan origin of Slavs and prospects of presence by these of special way to world around are considered. 25.02.2017 - 24.03.2017.

Summarizing of Zemsky Sobor 2016 (Land Assembly 2016)
Within the framework of carrying out Zemsky Sobor 2016 (Land Assembly 2016) on elections of Grand Prince of All Russia four Nominees have been put forward. The overwhelming majority of voices have been given for Nominee Grand Prince Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev. Will of God and decision of participants of Assembly, Zemsky Sobor 2016 has elected lifelong Grand Prince of All Russia Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev Grand Kubensky Rurikovich. 11.05.2016.

Yaroslavl’s Princes Rurikovich
In clause is described family tree of Grand Princes of Yaroslavl and their descendants, it is the senior branch of the Kin of Russ – Rurikovich, going back to Mstislav Great Monomachos. Kin of the Grand Princes of Yaroslavl have continued by Princes Grand Kubensky – Kubarev. 22.02.2016–11.03.2016.

All truth about Saint Prince Vladimir
In clause the all truth about Saint Prince Vladimir which is ignored Orthodox and Romanov’s historians, communistic historical science and their modern adepts, fabricating myths about Russ with « good intentions » opens without denominations. The kin of Russ - Rurikovich has created Orthodoxy and the Russian statehood, Russian people began to forget about it. Glory to Russ! 07-17.07.2015.

Brief chronology of religions
The report at XXX International conference on problems of the Civilization, 25.04.2015, Moscow, RosNoU. In the clause the final Chronological Tables of Ancient Egypt, Ancient and New Rome, Rome in Italy, Christianity, Islam and Judaism are submitted. 25.04.2015.

Canons of Orthodoxy of XIV century and the present time
The report at XXIX International conference on problems of the Civilization, 20.12.2014, Moscow, RosNoU. In the report the comparative analysis of canons of Orthodoxy of XIV century (1315-1321), displayed on mosaics and frescos of Church of Chorus in Istanbul, and modern doctrines are made. Numerous differences of events of the Holy Legend and the Gospel of the past and the present are found out. 20.12.2014.

Ethnic threats to peoples of Russia
In clause political, economic, cultural and religious aspects of consequences of ethnic opposition of radical peoples of Russia and new coming Slavic population formed as result of violent Slavic expansion in Russia in days of the Mongolian yoke are considered. The historical reasons of occurrence of ethnic contradictions are investigated, estimations of modern condition of problem (Chechelevskaya and Lubotinskaya Republics in 1905, Donetsk national republic and Lugansk national republic in 2014 in territory of Ukraine) are given and offers on decrease in escalation of ethnic opposition in territory of Eurasia are made. 09.06 - 05.07.2014.

Attribution of Rurikovich and Emperors Lecapenus
The report at XXVIII International Conference on problems of the Civilization is 26.04.2014, Moscow, RosNoU. In clause it is described detailed attribution of Ugrian Tsars with Emperors of Ancient and New Rome and Patriarches of terrestrial civilization. It is scientifically proved origins of all patriarches of monotheism and Emperors Flavius and Lecapenus from kint of Ugrian Tsars of Russ (Great), is the ethnic Finn-Ugrian from Volga region. 23.03.2014 – 24.04.2014.

Putin's Eurasian impasse
Vladimir Putin and Uniform Russia realize the Eurasian project, involving Russia and Russian people during stagnation and backlogs from World Civilization. They create Gog and Magog Empire, menacing to world peace. Why the Kremlin authority has not asked Russian Slavs – they want to live in the Asian country or to be safe Europeans? 14-22.01.2014.

Projections of the God in symbols of religion
As result of studying the extensive visual material created by 3D modeling, we have proved existence of uniform source of an origin of Projections of the God, that is religious symbolic of people. The source or quantum object refers to the Chariot of the God. We believe that on the basis of our researches, it will be possible to organize training to travel on the Universe of space navigators from the most gifted people and to create spaceships with engines as the described quantum generator is Chariots of the God or the Chariot of Cube. 25–30.08.2013.

Origin and migration of Slavs
Historical and genetic routes of migrations of the Slavs, calculated with the help from ancient Byzantium, European, Chinese, Arabian, Bulgarian and Russian chronicles and annals, and also modern researches of man's DNA chromosomes. 01-21.05.2013.

Empires of cousins of Russ
The report at scientific XXVI International conference on problems of the Civilization 26-27.04.2013, Moscow, RosNoU. In article five world Empires of cousins of Russ (Great) existing in our era on open spaces of Eurasia with cyclicity of occurrence once in 300 years are described.

Hungarian Kingdom of Russ
It is continuation of research of dynastic communications of Rurikovich. Cousin of Rurik Almysh/Almos and his children Kazan/Kurszan and Arbat/Arpad, it is all ethnic Ugrian of Russ, have based at the end of IX century – beginning of X century the Hungarian kingdom of Russ, having grasped Great Moravia. 08-11.01.2013.

Reconstruction of dynastic communications of Rurikovich in IX-XI centuries
Report at anniversary scientific XXV International conference on problems of civilization at 21-22.12.2012, RosNoU, Moscow. Corrected at 03.01.2013.

Educated Christianity of Russ
Bible – the Old Testament and the New Testament has exhausted itself. Forged the Scripts and the Sacred Legend cannot serve more as a spiritual reference point for promotion of mankind forward on the river of time. It is allowable to use only spiritual – moral potential of the ancient products being product of national creativity of Jews and Catholics, instead of divine revelations. The chronology of Bible events, an ethnic accessory of patriarchs of mankind, names, geography and original languages of heroes of the Bible do not correspond to the validity. Bible miracles have the quantum nature in the basis and submit to laws of a universe. Educated Christianity of Russ restore the religious both destroyed obscurantists religious and scientific knowledge of Christianity and revolutionary role of religion in history of civilization. 26.08. – 12.10.2012.

True Empty Tomb
Nova Church of Sacred Russia and Sacred Russ, Princes of Russia congratulates mankind on presence of True Empty Tomb and restoration of the religious and historical truth. The true has triumphed forever. 20-29.05.2012.

Orthodoxy and Islam in Old Russia
The report at XXIV International scientific conference on problems of the Civilization in Russian New University on April 20-21, 2012.

Day of Church Slavonic writing. Russ Cyril and Methodius.
In this significant holiday of Day of Church Slavonic writing and remembering Equal Apostles Sacred Cyril and Methodius, Princes of Russ convincingly ask Russian Orthodox Church and the public of the orthodox countries to return to sources and correctly to name the writing, language and church books Russian, but not Slavic. Ancient Russia was the Finno-Ugric state created by Russ Christians Rurik and Igor, Cyril and Methodius, Askold and Dir, Prophetic Oleg and Sacred Olga, Sacred Vladimir and Empress Anna Macedonian. 24.05.2011.

Wars of Russ in IX-XI centuries
In article on a rich actual material it is shown, that all wars of Russ with Byzantium in 836-1043 have been connected to deduction of a throne of empire by Russian party of Constantinople headed by the Macedonian dynasty of Russ. To the author it is proved, that two centuries co-emperors of New Rome were Great Princes Rurikovich. Last Russian emperor Jaroslav Mudry known in Tsar Grad as Constantine Monomakh was. The report at scientific XXII International conference on problems of the Civilization 22-23.04.2011, Moscow, RosNoU.

Genetic distances between cousins Rurikovich
The report at scientific XXII International Conference on problems of the Civilization, on April 22-23, 2011, RosNoU, Moscow, Russia. 24.04.2011.

Slavic-Mongolian invasion to Russia
Results of our research of an origin of Slavs have not simply scientific, but political value. In view of the received data it is necessary to form the weighed policy of interethnic and inter religious attitudes in Russia and the world. The modern hobby of Russian Slavs Rodoverie, the Aries origin and the contemptuous attitude to inhabitants of Central Asia, Caucasus, Mongolia, China and other regions of the world bears a system and logic mistake. Rodoverie in general it is senseless, in fact ancestors Rodoverian in Russia and Ukraine have left Central Asia and were Kirghiz, Altaian’s, Tajik’s, Pashtun’s, Uyghur’s and Juan-Juan, and completely not blond demigods. 12-18.03.2011.

Old Rome and Italic union of the Volga region
The scientific article on an extensive historical material proves that Ancient Rome has been created by Finno-Ugric tribe’s of Italic union of the Volga region (Idel, Bulgar). Italic peoples Vestini (Vesi), Marsi (Merya), Lucani (Lucane), Marrucini (Marri) and others till now live on Volga. Finno-Ugric named Latinas (Latinyanami) German peoples of the Volga region, differently Altyn-ami that means Gold literally. Fortress Alba Longo was called Altynbash, and Volga region Rome – Ulak-Urum. Southwest capital of Finno-Ugric of Idel was city Phanagoria or the Finn–Ugoria, being in antiquities capital Bosporus Empire and Great Bulgaria was. The web of lies of the western falsifiers of history how many would not be twisted, but to it all the same there comes the end. 10-21.02.2011.

Correct genographic
We have proved fidelity Bulgarian theory of an origin of mankind. She proves to be true a natural vector of moving of people on a planet from the Volga region in all parties of Eurasia, and there from to Africa, Australia and America. All peoples and races of the world have taken place from Hindi-European, namely – from ethnic Finno-Ugric. 01-07.02.2011.

Correct DNA-Genealogy and glottochronology
Scientific article of Grand Prince Valeriy Kubarev on DNA-Genealogy and glottochronology is submitted to your attention. The author has created formulas with which help it is possible to define precisely time of life of the general ancestor and an epoch of formation of various languages. These formulas have received the name of Kubarev’s formula. With the help of mathematical calculations, Valeriy Kubarev has proved fidelity Barrow of Hypothesis of Maria Gimbutas and own reconstruction of a history of the world. We hope that results of research will find wide application in DNA-Genealogy and glottochronology. 04-14.01.2011.

Genealogy and genetics of Princes of Russia
The report of Grand Prince Valeriy Kubarev at XXI International Conference on problems of the Civilization 25.12.2010. Valeriy Kubarev's scientific article describes genetics of Rurikovich and Sorts of Russia. Grand Prince has scientifically defined modal haplotype of Rurik, Gedimin, Russ Aydar, Kubrat, Flavius and has theoretically described modal haplotype of Alexander Great, Jesus Christ Zlatoust, Prophet Mohammed and Genghis Khan. All these well-known people ethnically Finno-Ugrian from the Sort of Russ. 25.12.2010.

What do we celebrate on November 4? Loss of the national sovereignty...
National voting or voting of national representatives is unacceptable for elections of Tsar and Grand Duke, in fact tsar from the God, and the voice of people is not a voice Divine. Elections of Grand Duke only voting of Princes – patrimonial aristocracy of Russia are possible. 08-21.11.2010.

Turn of the Earth promptly comes nearer
This is article with the analysis of abnormal geophysical and climatic activity on a planet. 09-12.09.2010.

Baltavar – a symbol of Christianity, an Islam and Judaism
Petrarca: « When people will address to the history, his greatness come to live » 30-31.03.2010

History of Russ about 3506 BC till 2012
Kubarev V.V.'s report, History of Russ about 3506 BC till 2012. Section «Civilization aspects of the Russian history and chronology». Tenth International scientific conference «Civilization of knowledge: global crisis and an innovative choice of Russia», Moscow, April 24-25, 2009, RosNOU.

Archive 2006-2018

Whose fault is it?

The Catechon Paradigm as an instrument of the Antichrist New!!!
In the article, the author examines the current state of the catechon paradigm and the practice of using the provisions of the concept in the political and public life of the Russian Federation. According to the author, the idea of the catechon in Russia was intercepted by the forces of evil and used as a screen to cover their deeds. Today, the catechon paradigm has become an instrument of the Antichrist and his adherents to gain world domination. The only resource for Lucifer’s conquest of the world is sinful people whom he can attract under his banners. As successful as his deception and seduction will be, so strong and numerous will be the army of Satan. 05–17.12.2022.

Impairment of Orthodoxy New!!!
In the article, the author has carried out a retrospective analysis of the events and processes that led to the impairment and transformation of the canons of Orthodoxy and the patristic tradition of Russian Christianity. Prohibitions and reliance on the good intentions of opportunists within the body of the church led to a natural distortion of the teaching. As a result, the Orthodox Church became vulnerable to the pressure of Lucifer's lies and deception and ceased to be a source of life. 30.09–25.11.2022.

Features of Christianity in Cappadocia New!!!
The usual facts for Cappadocia were the proximity of male and female Monasteries and their communication. The plots and frescoes of the Churches were created no earlier than the first quarter of the XI century. The isomorphic images of St. George, Theodore Stratelates and Theodore Tiron have come down to us. According to the author, St. George became a collective image of the Saints Constantine the Great and the two Theodores. The fresco of the Serpent Church depicts Onuphrius the Great as a hermaphrodite, which the Church is trying to forget. On the face of the purposeful distortion by Christianity of the Holy Tradition, led by the Holy Spirit, and the removal from the original sources. 05–28.08.2022.

Emperors Lekapenos(920–945)
Based on a thorough analysis of the chronicles of New Rome, Ancient Russia, Great Bulgaria and Arab sources, the author has justified the Finno–Ugric origin of the Macedonian Dynasty and the Lekapenos Dynasty. The details of the biographies, names, dates of rule and family ties of dozens of Emperors, Khagans and Princes of Byzantium, Russ and Bulgar coincide with great accuracy, which makes it possible to identify all the studied personalities with real historical figures. In local chronicles, they have different or identical names, depending on the national characteristics of the nicknames of the studied persons. 07.12.2020–30.01.2021.

Dancing on bones (people losses of USSR in SWW)
We have found out the facts of direct falsification of human losses of military men and civil persons of the USSR within the Second World War in some millions person. Forgery is caused by activity of the propaganda machine of the USSR and false understanding of patriotism in modern Russia. By our calculations true irrevocable losses of the population of the USSR within the SWW make 7.6–8.7 million persons from among military men and the general losses with civil people 12.8–13.9 million persons. Have run away from Stalin paradise of USSR is hundred thousand (up to 1.3 million) the persons. We believe that the name of each victim of war should be taken into account and sounded publicly. 04–18.05.2019.

Expansion of Rome from Volga region
The report at XXXIII International conference on problems of the Civilization, 24.12.2016, Moscow, RosNoU. In the report the extensive information on resettlement of peoples to Europe through ports of Bosporan Kingdom and Bosporus to the Mediterranean from the Volga region, Siberia and Caucasus during existence of Ancient Rome in delta of the rivers Volga and Akhtuba since VI century B.C. up to middle of VI century is submitted. 24.12.2016.

Seleucus and tribal leaders of Rome
The report at scientific XXXI International Conference on problems of the Civilization has acted on December 26, 2015, RosNoU, Moscow, Russia. In the report the hypothesis that "Macedonian" gains of IV century B.C. actually are the first wave of expansion of Ancient Rome and resettlement of peoples on South, East and West from territory of the Volga region and Caucasus is put forward and proved. 26.12.2015.

Picturesque Gospel of Church of Chora (Kariye) in Istanbul
Research of artifacts of Church of the Christ Savior in Chora (Church of Chorus, XIV century, Istanbul) has allowed restoring overlooked nuances of ancient doctrines of Byzantium Orthodoxy. The numerous facts of distortion Holy Book and Holy Legend have been found out at formation of modern Christian canons which at all are not an inviolable reality from above, and there is product of human creativity. 15.09–08.10.2014.

Images ancient Romans from Volga in artefacts
Long millennia in Idel-Rome-Memphis-Mitsraim-Itil-Saray-Batu lived from 600 000 up to one million person. Ruins of city are grandiose pantry of a history, culture and religion. Masonic scientists diligently avoid carrying out there scale excavation. In those places prospers only black selector of treasures. How long it is possible to hide to world elite of impostors true from people? 20-22.04.2010.

Archive 2004-2018

What to do?

Sixth and other questions New!!!
Why doesn't the ROC want to stop the war? 14.02.2022.

Five questions to the ROC New!!!
The first question: What is the data of the Birth of Christ now? The second question: When and where was Jesus Christ crucified? The third question: When will the Apocalypse begin? Fourth question: Why Tartarus and the Kingdom of The Beast located in Russia? The fifth question: When did Vladimir Putin become the receptacle of the Beast? 24-27.01.2022.

The Prophet Muhammad and the Quran
Based on an independent analysis of artifacts, ancestral tree and astronomical phenomena related to the deeds, life and death of the Prophet Muhammad, as well as historical evidence of the first appearance and legal use of the Quran in the life of Muslims, the author drew conclusions about the integration of several historical figures of the VII and XII centuries into the personality of the Prophet Muhammad. They became Khagan Kubrat, aka Emperor Heraclius, the Arabian Prophet or Caliph of the Rashidun Caliphs and the true Prophet Muhammad, who lived in 1090–1052. The Quran was created in 1130–1152. The proposed interpretation does not undermine the canons of the faith of Islam, but establishes the truth. 11–30.11.2021.

Syncing the chronicles of Rome and Egypt
Based on a thorough analysis of details of military campaigns and astronomical phenomena from the chronicles of Ancient and New Rome, Ancient Egypt and Persian sources, the author confirmed the chronological shift in the history of Ancient Egypt by 1780 years in the past. The author also revealed the complot of historians to conceal the existence of Ancient Egypt in I millennium by masking the deeds of the Egyptian Pharaohs of the New Kingdom for the non-existent activity of the Kings of the Sasanian Empire. 06–29.03.2021.

The identification of the Patriarchs with historical figures
The author correctly identifies the Patriarchs of monotheistic religions with historical figures of the past based on the paradigm of a short chronology of the world and linking events to unique celestial phenomena reflected in Chronicles and Scriptural. The identification of the Patriarchs is based on the analysis of data from the genealogical trees of Jesus Christ from Lucas, Matthew, mosaics of the Church of Chora, the genealogical tree of the Prophet Muhammad and lists of the Kings of the Great Bulgaria. 21.07–27.08.2020.

Pure Relationship
We have found out and have proved that at everyone men are two direct lines of Pure Relationship on which in each generation of ancestors he has only one pair pure relatives – the forefather and the foremother. All other ancestors are the listed relatives. We also have proved that each woman has two direct lines of Pure Relationship on which in each generation of ancestors it has only one pair foremothers. On the basis of research we confirm De Facto firmness of the absolute law of succession is rule Lex Salica of Pure Relationship. 05.08 – 03.09.2014.

Archive 2004-2018

To be continued...

Thoughts aloud: Religion

Gospel of Russia
Light and darkness New!!!
Covid is an agent of the Apocalypse New!!!
Dating the New Testament
Apostles of the Christ
The red cock in pagan Russia
Rostov Great Kremlin
Christ Tower in Galata
Assumption Cathedral, the Rostov Kremlin
Under gate Church of John the Apostle, the Rostov Kremlin
Under gate Church of Christmas, the Rostov Kremlin
Not combustible Cubina
Pilgrim and scientific visit to Sinai and Palestine of Grand Prince Valeriy Kubarev
Rock of Cub, Qubbat as-Sahra or Solomon Temple
Necropolis of Smolensk cathedral of Novodevichiy Monastery in Moscow
Urmans-Romans in Russian, Bulgarian and the Byzantium annals
Prince Kurbsky and Ivan IV named Sacred Russia is Israel
Allah Akbar!
Lupa Capitolina from Volga region
69 descendant dynasty of Tsar of Tsars
Maria's biography
Hermes Trismegist
Swastika and card colors as symbols of Christianity
Rise, fall asleep and asceticism

Thoughts aloud: Politics

Zemsky Sobor 2016 (Land Assembly 2016)
The Nazis Anatole Klyosov and Josef Mengele New!!!
What means Moskal?
Kill Lenin inside
The Program Great Russ
Civilization or barbarity and wildness
Manifest of Russian Minarchism
Holey nuclear shield of Russia
Results of Elections-2016 to State Duma of Russian Federation and Moscow regional Duma
Complaint in the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation
Putin’s fetters
Appeal of Holy Russia
All-Russian Marche of Peace 21.09.2014
Family tree of Princes and Moscow Tsars Kubarev-Kubensky-Rurikovich
Russian march For Holy Russia!
Press conference: Russian March For Holy Russia!
Gene of corruptions of Slavs
Russian march – 2012
The candidate for Presidents of the Russian Federation of N.V. Levashov has died
Bluff of Slav-Aries propagandists

Thoughts aloud: Advice

Book "Vedas of Russ"
Cube meditation for men
Cubina meditation for woman
Ecosystem Easy Access New!!!
Lightning above Vatican
How to stop smoke
How to stop drink
How to grow thin
How to reach enlightenment
The text of the book "Michael Khodorkovsky Forbidden forum " in two volumes
The text of the book Christ
The text of the book Conservative
The text of the book Varyags
Donations New!!!

Thoughts aloud

Archive 2004-2018

To be continued...
  Valery KUBAREV > Modernization of Russia > Archive 2006-2018 > Attribution ancient Rome on Volga - Akhtuba on coins

Attribution ancient Rome on Volga - Akhtuba on coins

Attention! In clause tables of images of the Roman coins, the reference to a part the first - numbers of tables with I on XXXIII are used.
"Таблицы римских монет - 1"

Attention! In clause tables of images of the Roman coins, the reference to a part the second - numbers of tables with XXXIV on LXIV are used.
"Таблицы римских монет - 2"

Formulas of Doctor Joseph Goebbels:
« The more monstrously the lie, the faster in it trusts public »
« The lie, told one thousand times, on one thousand first becomes the truth »

In clauses on ancient history, in particular « Leader Moesiea (Moses), Egypt and the Hippodrome », « As Attila became Jew Joshua » and « the Chronology of bible Egypt », has been put forward by the author a hypothesis about an arrangement of the first, ancient Rome not in Italy, and on Volga, approximately in 100 kilometers to the north of modern Astrakhan. The city settled down on a sleeve of Volga under the name Akhtuba that is conformable a name of the river Tiber. In the Egyptian language Akhtuba sounds as Anh Taui (« the Life of two grounds ») or other name Memphis.

For substantiation so strange, at first sight, hypotheses, it is necessary to study material proofs and artifacts of the Roman civilization and to compare them to the put forward hypothesis. It is known, that else anybody in our history did not make large-scale excavation on the grounds of a probable arrangement of the ancient cities of Itil and the Saray-Batu, capitals Hazard Haganat and the main European city of the Mongolian empire accordingly. On our hypothesis on a place of these cities there was the Egyptian Memphis, and after his capture by arias - the first Rome earlier. At Russian and Soviet archeologists to excavation, it is possible to explain absence of any interest only fear of detection of inconvenient true.

For attribution arrangements of Rome on Akhtuba can serve as real material subjects of a coin of the ancient state. The fullest information on coins is published in Harold Mettingli's book « Coins of Rome. Since the most ancient times before falling the western Empire », Czech, Discovery Press s.r.o., 2005. (Harold Mattingly, Roman Coins from the earliest times to the fall of the West Empire, Methuen and Co. Ltd, 36 Essex Street W.C. London, 1927) [631].

In this book it is ascertained, that in territory of modern Italy and Rome completely there are no finds treasure with coins, except for seaside cities and colonies in which numerous artifacts are found out. Also it is known, that in these colonies independent stamping of the Roman coins was made. The official science explains these strangeness to that ostensibly in capital of empire and in adjacent territories was never conducted wars, therefore treasure nobody hid, and money at all did not use, since in them there was no need (money were used only for wars and trade in colonies) - look page 47-49 [631].

However there is the simplest explanation of "uniqueness" of monetary circulation in the Italian Rome - such city in Italy in an antiquity simply did not exist.

Let's return to the Roman coins. They have appeared not earlier than 278 years B.C., name 268 B.C. exact date. Ostensibly were only trading contracts with Carthago earlier, and there was an original system of calculations in which precious metals did not participate, exceptions were made with bronze in rough piece. Then Rome began to mint bronze coins, and at him the opportunity to imitate other systems has appeared.

On many releases of the Roman coins there is an image wolf with babies. In the appendix to clause tables with names and dating of coins, and also photos of coins are placed. To each coin there corresponds the double number described by number of the table in Latin figures and number of a coin on the table in the Arabian figures. Further we shall specify numbering in this system on which it is possible to find easily the image and the description of any coin. Then in parentheses prospective year of release of a coin if it is given with a minus it is a year B.C. if without a minus figures correspond to years of our era is underlined. So, on reversers of the following coins there are images female wolf: I-1 (-278), I-12 (-268), XIV-3 (-75), XV-13 (-46), XVI-12 (-145), XLVI-7 (126), LXIV-15 (308).

Let's result also the image of a sculpture Capitol wolf, stored in modern Rome. For the first time Capitol wolf (Lupa Capitolina) it is mentioned in « the Natural history » Plinius, as he said, the sculpture stood at the Roman forum about a sacred fig. Cicerone writes that the sculpture settled down on Capitol Hill and once has been struck with a lightning; also it mentions a sculpture « the baby eating milk волчицы ». It is considered, that the wolf was тотемом Sabin and Etruscans, and the statue is transferred to Rome as a token of merge Romans with these peoples. I shall note, that Sabin it is inhabitants of antique Italy.

Ostensibly since IX century the sculpture settled down in Lateran a palace. Monk - chronographs Benedict (X century) writes about « a court arranged in Lateran a palace, in a place named [illegibly], and differently - Mother Romans ». Courts and executions « at Wolf » are mentioned down to 1450. Under order Sixth IV sculpture have transferred to the Palace Dei Conservatoire (1473). At the end of XV century were отлиты bronze фигурки Ромула and Рема; work is attributed to Master Antonio Del Pollaiolo.

Images Roman wolf are present on ancient Roman coins - sometimes with babies, sometimes without them. On all images wolf looks equally. Who, where and when saw such wolf? The sculpture represents thin female with the big dummies, small growth, with long legs, practically without wool which ears look forward, and the muzzle of an animal is practically deprived vegetation.

References to that authors of a sculpture were mentally retarded or inattentive people, disappears. They have created an original masterpiece and have kept proofs of an inaccuracy of a world history and chronology. Put at all that recently has revealed the fact of discrepancy of manufacturing techniques of a sculpture Capitol Wolf to antique techniques. During ancient times a sculpture did of parts, instead of uniform molding on wax model. A question that the similar kind wolf is never was found in Europe and furthermore in Italy. There the usual grey wolf with magnificent wool and a huge tail is distributed. The wool covers all trunk of an animal, including a muzzle. Ears always look vertically, instead of forward.

The steppe female wolf

The steppe wolfs

Whether there are the subspecies of wolves represented on the Roman sculpture? The answer is affirmative. The subspecies of wolves refer to the Caspian or steppe wolf. It differs from the wood wolf, and, especially, his Arctic colleague - the поджаростью, a small scalp, color of a wool and absence of vegetation on a muzzle. Look at photos below - here such animal became a prototype Capitol sculptures. Such wolf ostensibly should live in a wild Italian wood and rear with the волчатами babies Romul and Rem. However such event could take place only in the southern Volga region and Near-Caspian region.

The following we shall consider image Ostia - port of Rome on the sea, it is a reverser sesterce Neuron XLVII-8. There are two such photos. The official history asserts that the city of Ostia settled down in a mouth of Tiber at coast of Tyrrhenian Sea. On a legend, Ostia it has been incorporated by Tsar Ankom Martsiem in view of presence here rich extraction salt. The most ancient settlement ostensibly on place Ostia which archeologists could find out, is dated IV century B.C. The increase in well-being and growth of Rome coincided also prosperity Ostia, the main shopping center of the Roman trade, especially grain. During wars here there was a basic parking of republican fleet. As a parking lot of the ships, Ostia was inconvenient item: often drifts of a channel of the river by sand and silt demanded constant cares of the device of a waterway. So Caesar has conceived to construct artificial harbor in Ostia, but only at Claudius the new pool, with a deepening of a channel and carrying out of the channel has been arranged. Trojan has increased constructions of harbor owing to what she began to refer to Portus Augusti (Trojan). At Trojan population Ostia has passed for 50000 inhabitants. She has been built up by the big houses with the mosaic floors reached five floors in height and concluding in up to 12 rooms. Trade in Ostia, however, fell, and by the end of empire she represented insignificant small town. Believe, that construction by daddy Gregory IV new port in Gregoryople has resulted Ostia in desolation; its antique buildings have been disassembled on rubble, and ostensibly even to Renaissance from here took out a marble for sculptors.

However we shall distract from an official history and we shall estimate real facts. Around of modern Rome is not present extraction salt, there are no even conditions for existence of the center of grain trade. References to necessity of a deepening of a waterway, his cleaning from sand and silt are far-fetched also. Absence of traces of existence of large city in a mouth of Tiber is obvious. The assumption is inappropriate also that all stones have taken away on construction in the remote past, in fact even the bases did not remain.

Let's put forward a hypothesis that ancient Ostia corresponds to quite real city on Volga - to modern Astrakhan. The first part the name the Aster (khan) precisely corresponds to name Ostia. The city is located south to the east of the prospective Rome on Akhtuba. Besides is Caspian Sea in the past, probably, approached absolutely close to Astrakhan. Volga in these places is deep and bears huge quantity of silt and sand, other ground formations. Does not surprise presence is extraction salt and huge quantity of grain for sale in regions of Central Asia and the East. Thus, description Ostia precisely corresponds to Astrakhan. It is obvious, that somewhere near to modern city or even in his territory there are ruins of the most ancient port of Rome. Only political and scientific will is necessary for the organization of search of city.

Port Ostia

Rome - two-faced Janus. One person looks
to Europe, another - to Asia.

The Roman coins had clear split of types of images on avers and a reverser. On avers portraits of gods and outstanding figures of Rome practically were always rendered. From the moment of formation of empire on аверсах began to render structures of emperors on which the chronological binding is possible. On reversers of coins minted pictures of characteristic events from a life Romans, and also subjects surrounding them and alive essences.

What essences and subjects are distributed in a daily life of steppe and deserted area of the Volga region? The answer is known for all are of a horse and a vehicle. Really, on set of coins of ancient Rome on a reverser there are horses, horsemen, big (two) and Quadra (four). Whence in the center of Italy horses for what they should be contained in a plenty where on them to go have undertaken?

Surprisingly, in fact horsemen made the basic exclusive estate of Rome. They referred to equites (from Latin equites, from equus, "horse"). Originally - during an epoch ancient Rome empires and in first republic the period is battling top patrician to know. On reform Server Tully the horsemen allocated in 18 centuries, made a part of the maximum qualification category of the Roman citizens. Subsequently, in connection with formation in Rome nobilent (III century B.C.), horsemen have turned to the second estate after senators. With development of trade and usury the category of horsemen began to enter (under the qualification) owners of large workshops, usurers. By the end of 20th of II century B.C., horsemen have turned to special estate of the Roman society - monetary aristocracy which material resources was possession of large money resources and a personal estate. Usual employment of horsemen was trade and a payoff of taxes from provinces. They have formed the top layer of a society in municipal, had large estates, borrowed administrative posts, were lawyers, etc. Though political influence of horsemen was less significant, than senators, in their hands huge capitals were focused. Horsemen have got special value during civil wars of late Republic as judges. From end I of a century B.C. (since time of August) the rank of the horseman began to be handed down. From the beginning of our era from horsemen the command structure of army was completed; they borrowed also a number of posts on management of provinces (prefect of Egypt, procurators, etc.). The estate of horsemen in Rome has existed till IV century. At emperor Constantine I Great (306-337) - Valery Kubare, the most part horseman has been included in the category of senators.

It is no wonder, that when Romans have grasped Egypt in the beginning of our era them there named Hyksos - "Tsars - shepherds" or "Tsars - nomads". The Roman horsemen have left from among peoples of the ancient nomads settled in city and continuing to keep in touch with the families. It is obvious, that Roman equites were tsars of fine nomad tribes. Equites contained a plenty of horses, made of them vehicle - the two and even Quadra. On chariots Romans overcame huge distances up to the settlements, port Ostia on Caspian Sea, and also up to ports Bosporus’s of the Empire located on Azov and the Black seas. Actually Bosporus the Empire was a component of Rome through which expansion by the sea to the modern countries - Turkey was carried out, Greece, the Mediterranean coast down to Egypt, Carthago, Sicily, Italy, Spain and France.

Let's return to coins of Rome. On reversers of coins typical steppe horses, for example I-3 (-275), XIV-1, XIX-20 (a horse of nomads with load), XXII-4 (a horse with stacked hair), 5, XXIII-5,12, XLV-8 are represented.

Except for nomadic horses meet on avers images of wide persons of nomads: VIII-20 (-47), XXII-11 (-260). Pictures of horsemen with a checker in hand XVII-3 (-87), and also in a long cap on head XVIII-7 (-125) are surprising. Strange headdresses for horsemen "Romans" meet and on other coins.

Horsemen meet on the following reversers of coins: II-3,4,5,7, VI-2, VII-5,20, VIII-7,8,14, IX-1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,12,17, XI-1,2,4,10, XIII-1, XIV-6 (on пегасе), 13, XVI-2,11 (a horse with a dog), 13,16, XVII-3,11, XVIII-1,2,5,7,12,13, XX-2, XXIII-2,9,8,10,13, XXIV-2,6, XXVII-7, XXXIII-4,8, XXXVI-14,17, XXXVIII-1, XXXIX-13,15, XLIV-8, LIX-5,6, LX-12, LXI-10,12. In total coins with horsemen is of 63 pieces, and together (+8) with separate horses 71 piece from a collection in 942 pieces.

Horsemen also are horseman big’s, and in big harnessed not only horses, but also deer’s, goats, centaurs, lions, elephants, dolphins and sea horses. For territory of Russia use deer’s vehicle is not surprising, also does not guard presence of elephants and lions which in those days still were found in Central Asia and on them tsars and grandees hunted.

Big’s are represented on reversers of coins: VII-2,3,15, VIII-4,11, IX-18,19,20, X-1,5, XI-6,7 (goats,-150), 9 (centaurs,-150) 11,17,18,19, XIII-5,6 (lions,-44), 7, XIV-2,4 (deer’s with a dog,-75), 9,15,18,19, XV-12, XVI-3, XVIII-3,4 (elephants,-122), 15,17, 20 (sea horses,-75), XXII-3, XXIII-6, XXIV-3, XXV-4, XXVI-9, XXXVI-5 (elephants, 107), XLIV-10. In total coins with big’s is 40 pieces.

Horsemen also are represented horseman Quadra on reversers of coins: I-6,7, VI-1,12, VII-9, VIII-3,6,9,10, X-2,3,4,9,12, XI-8,13,15,16, XIII-12,20, XVI-14, XIX-2, XXII-2,4, XXXIII-6, XXXV-1, XXXVI-13, XLI-2 (lions, 204), 4, LIX-3,14, LXII-13, LXIII-6. In total coins with Quadra is 33 pieces. Thus, images of horses are present on 136 coins from 942 submitted in the book, i.e. 15 % from the general number.

Roman Empire was sea power. It would seem that on reversers of coins there should be numerous images of the ships. However the statistics proves the return phenomenon. Originally on coins the noses of the ships named sopra were represented. Examples of coins: II-11,12,13,14,15, III-1, IV-1,2,3, V-1,2, VI-3,5,6,8, XII-4,5,6, XXI-12. In total there are such 19 coins. Then coins with the full image of courts have appeared, and all of them are sail-rudder, convenient for movement on the rivers and the seas. Here these coins: XIII-10, XX-10,17,18,19, XXX-12, XXXVI-15,16, LXIV-9 (330). And last coin refers to “Constantinople - freedom of people“ on avers represents Constantine I Great. Such name of a coin does not cause surprise, in fact at this time only inhabitants of the Byzantium Empire appeared free people, and the inhabitant of the first Rome have got in slavery to pharaoh Thutmoses III.

In total coins with the image of the ships of 9 pieces, and full number of coins with sopra and the ships - 28 pieces from 942 pieces, i.e. 3 % from the general number.

After horses and vehicle to the following on popularity motive of images of reversers of coins became animals. It is logical to assume, that artists represented animals that they saw in a life around of themselves in city and on the nature. Here the list of coins with various animals: I-4 (griffon), 5 (eagle), 11 (bull), II-8 (eagle), 9 (eagle), 10 (eagle), VII-18 (raven), VIII-13 (Pegasus), 19 (goat), X-15 (elephant), XII-8 (crocodile), XIII-4 (bull), 8 (dog), 9 (wild boar), 13 (lion), 18 (eagle), XXIII-7 (bull), XIV-6 (Pegasus), 8 (dolphin), XVIII-11 (a lion and the wolf), XIX-2, 3 (camel), XXI-20 (eagle), XXII-6 (lion), 8 (Pegasus), XXIII-3 (eagle), 4 (Pegasus), XXIV-1 (lion), 10 (lion), 12 (lion), 14 (bull), 15 (Pegasus), XXV-1 (eagle), 8 (eagle), XXVII-1 (centaur), 2 (goat), XXX-7 (crocodile), 8 (bull), XXXVII-4 (the bull on an arable land), XXXIX - 9 (heron), 12 (ram), XLIII-3 (crocodile), XLVI-1 (goat horn), 2 (cow), 3 (bull), 4 (rhinoceros), 5 (peacock), 6 (phoenix), 8 (griffon), 9 (pigeon), 10 (hippopotamus), 11 (lion), 12 (lion), XLVIII-3 (crocodile), L-1 (eagle), 2 (eagle), 5 (lion), LVI-5 (eagle), LVII-4 (bull), LXIII-3 (lion), 4 (eagle).

A priori the set of all these animals, since lions, wolves, camels, deer’s, bulls, rams, goats, dolphins, herons, eagles follows, that, and finishing peacocks, crocodiles, rhinoceroses, hippopotamuses and elephants, was found in Central Asia, in the Near East and in India. It is possible to adhere certainly to an official position of historians that we deal with usual fauna of Italy, but it will mean not respect for true. In total coins with images of animals is 61 pieces from 942 pieces, i.e. 6.5 % from the general number.

Cause interest of a coin with use of "Muslim" symbolic as crescent moon and stars accompanying them. These images are present on coins: II-1 (with a star,-268), IX-5 (-220), XIV-18 (-108), XVII-17 (-101), 19 (-112), XXI-7 (-42), XXIII-11 (-275), XLIII-10 (with a star, 68). Only 8 coins, i.e. less than 1 % from the general number.

Let's address to the coins, concerning an official history to money with "Christian" symbolic. Here the list of these coins: LIV-10 (430), 11 (473), LV-3 (340), LVI-13 (345), 14 (353), LVIII - 2 (456), 4 (468), LX - 1 (« the world of August », 340), 3 (« the savior of republic », 350), 5 ("peacemaker", 364), 6 (« a reducer of republic », 364), 7 (« glory Romans », 364-378), 10 (« a victory of August », 378-395), 15 (« glory Romans », 405), 17 (« well-being of republic », 437), LXI-4 (« vows to people », 427), LXIII - 7 ("Constantinople", 333), 9 (« well-being of republic », 425-455), 10 (472), 11 (« a cross, the consent of emperors », 400), 12 (« Rome, rescue of the world », 472). Only are 21 coins, i.e. about 2 % from the general number.

Let's result "scientific" proofs of an accessory of these coins in the Christian period of a history under the specified book [631] from pages 205-208.

It appears, that « in the beginning the Christianity has appeared on coins as small symbols - a cross or the monogram of the Christ. On the image константинопольской coins we see a cross put on the snake, - as the symbol of safety of state LXIII-7 » Actually on a coin is represented Roman штандарт with a symbol: the letter "P" with the letter crossing her "X". On each side letters "X" are located small letters at the left "A" and on the right "W". Assert that these letters meet in John Bogoslov's prophecies in his book "Revelation". However Jesus Christ's monogram on icons and his images is written at the left "IC" and on the right "XP".

Great on avers coins the author of the book treats Constantine's image as follows: « the heads of Constantine Lifted upwards and his sons on solid at the end of his board, probably, speak that they pray ». The absurd of these explanations causes laughter. It is visible to all, what structures of emperors have usual position, and they do not pray, and if prayed, to whom?

Further, the author of the book writes « Christian emperors have accepted standard, decorated with the monogram of the Christ, and at Magnecius and Vetranione we see expressions such as « Salus Dd. Nn. Aug. Et Caes », sign P-X between A and W or « Hoc signo victor eris » (With it is familiar will win) "…" Usual there are images of a cross (LXIII, 3) or sign É-ò (LXIII, 9,10). Solid Olibrius « Salus Mundi » (Rescue of the world) with the main element - a cross already has almost medieval character (XLIII, 12) "." That religious motives appear on coins very cautiously is Surprising... At the first Christian emperors the world remained still in essence pagan. In the beginning the Christianity still accepted pagan forms, mixing them with own symbols. Gradually the images connected with язычеством, were superseded. The general policy was not sharp change, and the compromise and assimilation ».

« Become the god died emperor proceeded until still was vividly язычество … Even Constantine, died the Christian, has received after death a title "divine", but it, probably, had are new sense (LXIII, 5,6) … the Main battles between pagans and Christianity have inflamed around of Victoria's big statue in a building of the senate. Christians have won 382, having convinced Emperor Grecian to clean her, but to our surprise, she all the same appears on coins, and not only in connection with emperors, but also together with a symbol of a cross. It is necessary to guess only, why it so. The matter is that the Christianity could not then and for ever to eradicate Victoria's worship, and it was necessary to keep only her with the certain Christian features. The pagan goddess becomes a Christian angel of a victory, having kept wings and attributes - a wreath and a palm branch and having received a new emblem - a Christian cross. It is a characteristic example of a thin policy at which worship pagan gods got on with reverence Christian sacred ».

The resulted citations show accuracy and care with which the author imposes to readers and scientists obvious lie - ostensibly Christian symbols have appeared on coins of Rome and Byzantium in IV-V centuries. « The compromise and assimilation », « a thin policy » is expressions worthy admiration and so far from the truth. What it for symbols actually and what historical underlying reason accompanied them?

In 324 of an army of Egyptian pharaoh Thutmoses III occupy Rome on Akhtuba. In the Egyptian slavery the significant part of empire and Romans gets. On freedom there are only inhabitants of new Rome - Constantinople where emperor Constantine I Great corrects. The terrible situation and tragedy of empire is shown on coins where start to represent a cross as a symbol « Rescue of the world ». Official religion of Roman Empire the monotheism was. However Egyptians imposed to them the numerous gods. In the chapter of a corner there was an idea about rescue of the world. Monogram É-ò between A and W is not a Christian symbol, and there is a symbol of clearing of republic and empire from spiritual slavery. Since times of board of Constantine I Great, long struggle on clearing Romans-Israelis from under the Egyptian yoke begins. She proceeded long centuries. Coins of the period of an outcome (378-395) of Memphis-Rome on Volga under the direction of Leader Moesiea or Flavy Theodosius Arbat bear on themselves words « the Victory of August », « Glory Romans », « the Consent of emperors ». Then, in middle V of a century the second wave of resettlement of peoples under management Attila or has passed Joshua. Coins of this period also contain inscriptions - « Vows to people », « Well-being of republic », « Rome, rescue of the world ». Therefore rescue of the world concerns not to acceptance of Christianity, and to clearing Romans-Israelis of spiritual slavery, an opportunity to profess religion of monotheism. At this time got on among themselves язычество and worship old gods with the religion of monotheism authorized by Leader Moesiea - Flavy Theodosius Arbat. The monotheism has been legalized Moses as Capholic churches in Constantinople, divided on east and western parts. Simultaneously with this church have arisen Judaism and an Islam. Capholic the church was not Christian, and was the forerunner of it.

At the end of IV century - beginning V of a century in the African Egypt of veins the captive of Egyptian pharaohs Hermes Trismegist also created. It has formulated the theory and practice of occurrence of Christianity in the future. Under his pressure the Egyptian pharaohs have accepted monotheism of god Aton and priests of new religion have put on walls of temples pictures - comics of formation of Christianity by occurrence of Sacred Virgin and a pure birth her Savior of the world - the Christ, the son of the Alive God. Then necessity of bringing for a victim followed the God - father of the Savior who after death should be revived. A symbol of revival and new religion became a cross with round ушком, so-called Copt a cross. This spiritual desire has found the reflection in coins and symbols of Rome and the Byzantium Empire. God Jesus Christ will be given birth only in 980 year and will sacrifice itself for the sake of rescue of all mankind only in 1010 in Constantinople on mountain Bejkos. Therefore the Roman coins of Byzantium IV-V of centuries do not bear on themselves direct Christian symbols, and are simply similar to them as in the future the Christianity begins to use these symbols.

On page 197 [631] the author of the book recognizes, that: « Against old forms of pagan belief acted Mithraism. Only after all attempts to break Christianity have failed, resolute struggle between it and Mithraism began short, but. At these opponents was much in common in sights at morals. The heretics who have broken away from Christian church, - Aryan and Atanasian have not left a trace in images on coins (can be, we yet have not found out it). Actually the Christianity in the first years after the victory affirmed very cautiously, gradually: in the maximum classes of society rather strong elements of pagan » were still kept.

We have resulted the long citation by way of illustration efforts of falsifiers of a history on imposing the lie which has taken roots in a historical science and a history of religions. Actually митраизм has been widely distributed in the Roman Empire and has come from Iran and India, actual neighbors Romans from Volga. Christianities then simply did not exist. Coins with heretical motives Aryan cannot be found, as Aryans have appeared after Jesus Christ's acts in XI century.

Let's stop on the facts of obvious juggling and the forgeries available in the specified work [631] and directed on formation of wrong view on a history. Basic elements of falsification of a world history became the following legends:

1. An arrangement of ancient Rome in Italy;
2. The importance of a province Judea in empire;
3. Presence of Macedonian empire in IV century B.C.;
4. Existence of the city of Alexandria in Egypt within Roman Empire;
5. A shabby antiquity of Egypt.

On page 129 [631] there is recognition of hard work of schemers from a history and numismatics: « the Mention of Italy, despite of its exclusive position, appears not so frequently. Rum, the goddess - Amazon who personifies the Roman state, probably, personifies as well Italy. Her usually represent the armed goddess in short tunic with a spear and a board, sometimes with Victoria. The instruction to Italy can see on coin Trojan where the colonist (XXXVII, 4) is represented plough. Usually a province represent as the woman in a long dress, with attributes of the world or the armed Amazon ».

Let's notice, that on the specified coin the woman in a long dress ploughs.

Let's recollect, where amazons lived? It is true not in Italy, and at coast of Black sea of Krasnodar territory and Kuban, concerned in the past to Bosporus to an Empire. Numismatists count the strongest proof of a unification of Rome and Italy a coin (XV, 8) dated 55 B.C. which they name « reconciliation of Rome and Italy », page 66 [631]. Thus write, that actually the coin refers to: денарий Honor (Kaleni) and Valor (Cordi) is heated and Cordi, meaning. At what here is Rome and Italy? The following lie is the mention of the river Tiber on coin XXXVIII-11 dated on 121 of our era. The coin refers to auras (Adrian - "Tiber"). For persuasiveness a number in the table places a coin auras (Adrian - "Nile" NILVS) XXXVIII-10, dated same 121. In fact Nile the river! Means, the coin with inscription PMTEPCOS III is the river Tiber? The absurd of liars is obvious.

Let's find coins from general number 942 of the pieces submitted in the book on which there is a mention of Italy. Them only seven pieces: denary (Marians and Italian), XVIII-15, dated 83 B.C.; denary (Marians, Italian and pirates), XVIII-16, dated 83 B.C.; denary (Marians and Italian), XVIII-17, dated 85 B.C.; denary (Octavian in Italy), XX-2, dated 42 B.C.; denary (Ventidy Bass in Italy), ХХ-5, dated 41 B.C.; sesterce (the Nerve - « clearing Italian the ships »), XLV-8, dated 96-98; auras (Trojan - « the foodstuffs of Italy »), XLV-9, dated 107.

However on five denary 85-83 and 42-41 B.C. are not written words about Italy and Italian. So why them have written down in coins about Italy?

The word Italy (ITAL) meets only on one coin which has been rapped out in connection with distribution of the foodstuffs to poor men, and a word "Italian" on one coin which has been rapped out in connection with events of clearing of the ships from pirates at coast of Italy with the image of horses on a background of masts of the ships. Thus, there is one coin with a word Italy 107, and that is connected to distribution of the foodstuffs of a poor province where practically there was no civilization, and there were no cities. In modern Italy cities of empire were only at coast as colonies Romans and Greeks - in northern Italy, southern Italy and Sicily having independent value. Other provinces of Roman Empire are mentioned on tens the coins resulted in the book [631]. Small quantity of coins with a word Italy is unequivocally proved insignificant position of this province in empire.

The word Judea like meets on two coins: denary (Bakhy Judea - A. PLAVTIVS AED. CVR. S.C.), XIX-3, dated 56 B.C. and auras (Vespasian - "Judea"), XXXVIII-2, dated 70. On the first coin there is an inscription on a reverser near to camel IVDAEVS and on other coin on a reverser under the sitting woman inscription IVDAEA, thus a province where Judea settled down, Palestine referred to. Probably, these words really designate Judea. The rarity of a word Judea on coins corresponds to frequency of a mention of Italy that speaks about the small status of these territories.

The official history believes Macedonian Empire the progenitor of the Roman Empire. For the statement of this lie in the book [631] the most ancient coin from all collection is resulted on a review. It ostensibly gold stator (Phillip III Macedonian), XXV-4, dated 340 B.C. The inscription on a reverser of a coin says Phillip. On аверсе the image of the young man's person, on a reverser of a coin - chariots big. In Roman Empire, Macedonia and the Greek colonies there was a weight of tsars with a name Phillip for all history. Obviously, атрибуция coins intentionally it has been made 340 B.C. to prop up the invented history of the Macedonian empire based ostensibly Alexander the Great, son Phillip at the end of IV century B.C. Besides Phillip III Arridey on an official history of rules in 323-317 B.C., and father Alexander the Great Phillip II in 359-336 B.C., but in 340 to it was 42 years from a sort, and it could not look the young man in any way. Actually the Macedonian dynasty existed in 850-1050 years of our era. Therefore any real proofs of dating of a coin do not exist.

As the following element of falsification of a history the statement of existence of the city of Alexandria serves in Egypt, based ostensibly in IV century B.C. On our reconstruction Alexandria has been constructed Alexander the Great only in 905 of our era. Hence, the city of Alexandria corresponds to the city of Avaris constructed in delta of Nile Hyksos. Hyksos it also is the Romans who have based the capital in slaved Egypt which Romans named Aegyptus. Avaris has been constructed about 0 years of our era. The official history however asserts that the city began the existence in XX-XVIII a century B.C. [632-635].

Romans have created in the capital Avaris of the African province Egypt a mint which put special brands on let out coins. It was a combination of letter A to a half moon from above, AE or ALE. Under the official version of a history these brands carry to reduction of the name Alexandria, we believe, that from name AEgyptus and Avaris. We shall look closely at coins available in a collection. The first coins are known: tetradrahma (Neuron - Alexandria), L-3, dated 54-68 and As (Anthony Piy - Alexandria), L-5, dated 144-145. On the first coin there are no data on a mint, and on the second coin on a reverser there is brand LH. It is known only, that coins were minted in Egypt, therefore them attribute to Alexandria. The following coin it полсестерция from 5 denary (Maximian - Alexandria), LV-12, dated 296-305. On reverser of a coin is brand AL or AE. Further we shall look on sesterce from 10 denary (Faust - Alexandria - « hope of republic »), LIX-9, dated 324. On a reverser of a coin there is stamp SHALA. Last four coins: follies from 20 denary (double sesterce) (Maximin II - Alexandria - the invincible sun), LXIII-14, dated 310; follies from 20 denary (double sesterce) (Valery - Alexandria - the Venus-winner), LXIII-15, dated 308; 10-denary a coin (Julian II - Alexandria - Izida Faria - Anubis), LXIII-16, dated 361; 10-denary a coin (Julian II - Alexandria - God Serapis-Izida), LXIII-17, dated 361. On a reverser of the first follies stamp AHE, a reverser of the second follies stamp ALE, on other late Egyptian coins of the Roman stamps in general is not present, on reversers there are only Egyptian religious images.

It turns out, that from eight coins of a collection stamp ALE is only on one coin of IV century. The binding of other coins to the city of Alexandria is illusory. Thus coins of the end of IV century in general look only Egyptian, but let out on the Roman standards, it is obvious to trade with the Byzantium Empire. Less strong proof of a myth about Alexandria is full absence of coins with images of the well-known Alexandria beacon - as Egyptian origin, so Roman or Byzantium. There are no also kinds of the Egyptian pyramids. Romans, Egyptians and Byzantines have passed over two grandiose miracles of light. Probably, they were indifferent people and preferred to fix in metal of crocodiles and hippopotamuses, but not beacons and pyramids.

In days of III-V centuries there were rather strange and confusing events in stamping money Roman, and then the Byzantium Empire. These riddles in monetary circulation have not been resolved till now. Clearness appears only by recognition of the fact of chronological shift in the Egyptian history on 1790. Leaves that Egypt was not so ancient civilization, and events of board of pharaohs of the New Empire are imposed equally for times of crisis of Roman Empire III-IV of a century.

Our reconstruction of short chronology of Egypt completely proves to be true historic facts and material artifacts of stamping of coins and features of monetary circulation of that dark time. We shall consider these proofs. Roman Empire differed flexible carrying out of a financial policy and original monetary circulation. The monetary weight was emitted not in one center, and in all large provinces and colonies. Local mints provided with money surrounding colonies and the countries. Coins were minted in Spain, Gallia, Mauritania, Sicily, Corsica, in the south of Italy in Pestum, the north of Italy, Thrace, Galatia, Bithynia, Cappadocia, the Alarm, Crete, Cyprus, Galatia, Macedonia, Byzantium, Bosporus an Empire, Pontus, etc. This court yard provided actually the most part of monetary weight in empire. By one of provincial mints in beginning I of a century has been placed in Egypt and carried out release billion tetra drachma and a plenty of bronze money up to the end of III century.

The fact of financial crisis in Roman Empire in second half III centuries is widely known. It began at the end of board of emperor Gordian III and has become aggravated at Gallien (board 253-268). Gallien it was necessary to reduce weight of gold coins auras up to 5-6 grammas, and the maintenance of silver in silver coins has gone down to 20-5 percent. It means that silver has practically disappeared. Yes, with 258 on 272-273 release of silver coins has been stopped in connection with absence of silver, page 154 [631]. The author of the book on page 176 speaks, that: « … in days of financial crisis emperors took silver coins from the East in the help imperial money … », on page 177 « … As we see, decline of local stamping was unforeseen result of a vicious financial policy …. Bronze did not suit independent stamping, and good silver on which it tariff, steadily disappeared » On page 182-183: « For any reason while to us not absolutely clear, silver of the end of IV century meets seldom, except for the western mints, and only in the British finds. Disappearance of the silvered bronze in the West and in Illyrian testifies to easing there the Roman authority ». On page 213: « the Reasons of shortage of silver are easy for understanding. Silver was spent for silvering of bronze … And, at last, still there was a fashion for a luxury goods from silver which was cheaper some gold … By the end of this period stocks of a fine coin were small, that was extremely inconvenient for citizens. However, the government not so that пеклось about their interests »

Under the official version of a history financial crisis has been caused by an inept policy and degradation of empire because of predilection for luxury. The absurd of these imaginations of falsifiers is obvious in view of our reconstruction of historical events of that period.

Emperor Gordian III was born in Egypt, but was the Roman aristocrat. In Africa it had a title pharaoh Ahmose I (238-263). At it Egypt has found independence of Rome. The first independent pharaoh of the New Dynasty became pharaoh Amenophis I (263-282). Just it has cut off the Roman Empire from deliveries of silver from the East, than has undermined economy of the historical opponent. The mint in Avaris which historians count Alexandria has got under the control of the Egyptian pharaohs over times of dynasty Gordian. As a result of a policy of isolation on the part of Egypt mints of the East have ceased to work to Rome. New Roman emperor Diocletian (page 181-182) has lead currency reform which prepared some years in 296 year. It has officially closed a mint in Alexandria (actually Avaris) and has opened in other provinces some imperial mints which supplied with money all power.

Therefore any coins ostensibly let out in Alexandria and dated after 296 are not Roman. It confirms the analysis 8-ми the Alexandria coins, made by us is higher. Last coins (6 pieces) have no attitude to the Roman or Byzantium Empire, and are money of payment of the Roman standard. They were issued on seized by the Egyptian pharaohs at Romans a mint in Avaris.

Economic pressure of Egyptians upon the Roman Empire was replaced by the militaries. Pharaoh Thutmoses III who for two years occupied all Near East and Mesopotamia has come to power in 322. In 324 it has struck a crushing blow in heart of empire and has grasped Rome located on Akhtuba, Volga. This victory has left a deep trace in monetary system of the Roman Empire and new the Byzantium Empire.

On page 189 it is spoken: « Concerning the period with 305 for 324 we are compelled in many respects to lean on guesses for we have only data on depreciation denary ». On page 193 it is told: « In 324. Constantine I has tried to stop falling denary on figure 172 800 for gold pound. But in Egypt it has not supported the silvered bronze gold and silver money. And as a result, as far as we know, there unit of calculation fell all below and below, some millions denary for gold pound » yet have not reached. Constantine I Great could supervise nothing in Africa, even on the native land - in Rome. There rules the most severe pharaoh Thutmoses III. Military victories of the pharaoh have amplified economic blockade of the rests of the Roman Empire. Drama events of IV century were reflected in names of tens coins of empire - « Hope of republic », « the Savior of republic », « Returning of happy times », « the Reducer of freedom », « shows Valor », « Distribution of money », « Freedom of people » and others on pages 350-354 [631].

Gannibalian - Bosporus

Imaginary Phillip III Macedonian

One of the main centers of issue of the Roman money at all times empires was Bosporus an Empire. On our reconstruction it has been seized Thutmoses III by 40-th years of IV century. Really, under the official version of a history in the beginning of 40th years of IV century in Bosporus stamping of a coin that testifies to deep economic decline of the state stops. What role played Bosporus an Empire in Roman Empire?

It is known, that « release of gold money since Alexander's times was a prerogative of Empire, and Rome strictly watched it », page 90 [631]. On page 151 it is told: « the Roman gold soon became the international currency, and it accepted far outside Rome - from Parphyi up to India. Парфянские tsars independently minted silver and bronze coins, but never gold, and in it they recognized the claim of the Roman emperor for a title « tsar of tsars ». On the contrary, in Bosporus an Empire for a long time minted gold and copper and never - silver » the Roman coins were in use in India, down to island Ceylon up to the end of IV century. Further on pages 151-152 it is written: « Rome became the great importing power importing skins from the North, spice and aromatic substances - from the East. For their payment he did not have sufficient weight of the ready goods, and in most cases it was necessary to pay in precious metals. In result there was a constant reduction of their stocks in the Roman treasury. It promoted occurrence of crisis of III century »

If to recollect expression, that all roads conduct to Rome and closely to read above the description of trade of Rome it is possible to draw a priori a conclusion - Rome could not be in the center of Italy, in fact all roads there do not conduct, and to trade there from on all huge Eurasian territory will fail. There was no it in the past, is not present and today. Rome should be placed on crossing trading and caravan ways between Europe and Asia. An ideal place for these purposes - delta of the river Volga where passed the Great silk way.

Let's return to the surprising fact of stamping of gold coins not in Rome, and in Bosporus an Empire. The importance of this state confirms such fact - on page 198: « The fine coin with portrait Gannibalian, nephew Constantine I appointed by him by tsar Bosporus of an empire and killed by militaries after his death » is remarkable. This coin is sesterce from 10 denary (Gannibalian - Constantinople - Bosporus), (LXI, 9), dated 337. Hence, for the control this power Constantine I Great has appointed tsar of the nephew and has rapped out a special coin about this event. However as a result of military actions last tsar of this empire has been killed soon after death of Emperor Constantine I. Hence, in conformity with our reconstruction of a history the Egyptian pharaoh Thutmoses III has grasped Bosporus an Empire in 337, having killed at осаде tsar Gannibalian. The pharaoh has made the military campaign from Rome - Memphis on Akhtuba, occupied by him in 324. Thus, falling Bosporus has torn off empire from sources of gold and copper coins and has strengthened financial, economic and political crisis in the Roman and Byzantium Empires.

Bosporus the Empire has existed approximately about 480 B.C. up to 337. From the end of II century B.C. it entered in uniform Pontus an Empire, then became ostensibly the vassal of Rome [636-640]. Stamping of money in an empire had old tradition - from the third quarter of VI century B.C. has been formed Apollo’s the monetary union with the center in Bosporus. The power was one of the largest trading partners of all Mediterranean. On a regular basis they helped the foodstuffs to Athens. For grain gift in 77 thousand liters Athenians sent on Bosporus embassy with gratitude twice. On an official history in I century B.C. Romans have handed over authority above Bosporus Furnace, have named his « the friend and the ally », but have miscalculated: Furnace declares itself « tsar of tsars » and wishes to expand the possession due to the Rome. Thus, Bosporus tsars carried themselves to a sort « tsar of tsars » that was not an empty phrase.

Also it is known, that intrusion Hun has put last impact on the state Bosporus. In 80th years of IV century ostensibly Hun has destroyed many settlements and cities on peninsula Taman. In conformity with our reconstruction of a history this impact Romans - Israelis under management Flavy Theodosius Arbat or have put not Hun, and Leader Moesiea. These events have taken place at the end of 378, and through Kerch a passage about 600000 people of refugees from Rome 379 were forwarded on ice to Crimea in January, being rescued from chariots of pharaoh Thutmoses IV. It is possible to assume safely also, that mysterious Punt in ancient Egypt there is anything other as Punt an Empire on Black Sea, instead of on Red sea, and all military attacks of ancient Egyptian pharaohs on Punt were conducted at coast of Black sea.

Bosporus Empire

Than drew Bosporus and Pont Empires of conquerors? The official history asserts [636-640], that the leading part on Bosporus belonged to commodity manufacture of cereals - wheat, barley, millet. Basis Bosporus of trade was made with the export of grain bread reached the enormous sizes on that time: Demosfen tells, that only Athens received from Bosporus half of all imported bread necessary for them - about 16 thousand tons a year. Besides bread, Bosporus look out to Greece salty and salt fish, cattle, leather, furs, slaves. In exchange for all these goods of the state of Greece sent on Bosporus wine, olive oil, the metal products expensive to a fabric, precious metals, subjects of art - statues, terracotta, art vases. The part of this import settled in Bosporus cities, other part was forwarded Bosporus by dealers in steppe for aristocrats surrounding tribes. The cities of Germonassa, Fanagoria, Gorgipia become large shopping centers. In Gorgipia the large seaport through which bread from Kuban is taken out is under construction. At Spartacus’s [641, 642] in the cities of Bosporus craft manufacture blossoms also.

It appears that many local tsars called Spartocus or Spartacus. Probably, the well-known revolt of slaves in Roman Empire has been headed by one of former Bosporus tsars - Spartacus. Probably, revolt occurred not in Italy, and at the Black Sea coast of Caucasus.

In Fanagoria, Gorgipia and other cities exist small masterful and large ergaseria where work of slaves is applied. In first half III centuries B.C. in the state the sharp financial crisis has burst. Stamping of a gold and silver coin of Panticapaeum is stopped. Monetary reform Levcon II in the third quarter III century B.C. - release of face values of a copper coin with a name and a title of tsar - promoted restoration of monetary facilities and at the same time strengthened authority of a dynasty. After Levcon imperial stamping (but already gold) became traditional. Release Pantikapey silver has been renewed. In second half III-II of centuries independent stamping in Theodosia, Fanagoria, Gorgipia B.C. has revived.

After connection Bosporus to Pontus trade relations with cities of this state, first of all with Sinop have started to develop actively. By words Strabone, annually from Bosporus on export it was delivered 180000 medina (7200 tons) and 200 talents (4000 kg) silver.

After hit Bosporus under influence of Rome the new economic rise proceeding on extent I and II centuries of our era begins. With Bosporus the goods the Roman authorities did not raise the usual obligatory duty at a rate of 1/2 parts of all goods. Bosporus merchants traded with Alexandria Egyptian and even far Italian and Spanish cities. In the beginning of 40th years of IV century is in Bosporus stamping of a coin stops.

Close studying of the data on Bosporus to economy and a history, and also their overlapping with our reconstruction of a history, enables to draw amazing conclusions. Bosporus the empire long centuries was the largest supplier of grain, bread, raw material, metals, money and other important goods across all Mediterranean. Back they received subjects of art and deep processing of raw material, craft products and set of other goods of the Mediterranean countries. If to count in the comparable prices volume of trade Bosporus, in view of deliveries of grain at a rate of hundreds thousand tons annually, and also cost of silver and copper, not including other goods we shall receive figure in hundred millions dollars, and can also billions. It is logical to assume, that import should cover export, differently the state simply would burst from money and would be filled up with the unclaimed goods. References that these things missed on aristocrats surrounding tribes are simply ridiculous. It appears next "barbarians" had the refined taste and satisfaction of the cultural inquiries that does not match in any way the European theory selected a white civilization demanded.

On the one hand, according to our reconstruction of a history it turns out, that bottomless a flank of import Bosporus of an empire had a bottom in Rome on Akhtuba where there left material assets. In this case all absurdities of economic and logic character disappear. On the other hand, the huge commodity stream through ports Bosporus passed under rigid Roman laws without the taxation besides Bosporus mints mint gold money, in manner of laws on an opportunity of such stamping only in Rome.

Let's state a hypothesis, that Bosporus the Empire was mother country of Roman Empire both the western trading and military gate for all Mediterranean and the Western Europe. To name his vassal or a colony it is impossible, it was the full partner of Rome in creation of empire. East gate of Rome and then Roman Empire was Ostia, territory around of port in delta of Volga on coast of Caspian Sea. Today Ostia is Astrakhan refers to. Through Ostia conducted sea trading ways to Central Asia, Persia, India and the Near East. Rome lay on coast of a sleeve of Volga Akhtuba about 100 km to the north of Astrakhan. There all trading ways of the West and the East were crossed, all roads of Eurasia conducted to Rome on Volga.

In Ostia there was even own mint which after invasion of Egyptians in 20th years of IV century has been transferred in Arelat (Constantine) in Southern Gallia, page 183 [631]. After an outcome of Romans-Israelis from Memphis-Rome under management Flavy Theodosius Arbat, Emperor Theodosius I Great, in 390 also was open a mint in Mediolan (Milan) in northern Italy, page 183, instead of Rome.

Let's pass to restoration in general histories of Rome on the available data. The further researches will allow specify details. In conformity with our hypothesis confirmed with the analysis of events of the Roman and Egyptian history, and also the economic and financial data, ancient Rome settled down on Volga. It is known, that in an antiquity Volga referred to Ra. In fact after a flood sons and grandsons Noah have gone away on a planet from territory of the Volga region. Initially, the city was constructed by Egyptians under the direction of the pharaohs - descendants of the Boor and his son Mizraima - Menes. However in city there lived representatives of various tribes and peoples, including arias from a sort of Tsar of Tsars, descendants Sam - son Noah, named Russia and having numerous relatives. We compare among themselves the Roman data [643-658], the Egyptian chronicles and results of our reconstruction of a history of Egypt and a world history.

On our hypothesis on a place of Rome the Egyptian city of Memphis has initially been located. Approximately in VI century B.C. it was the small city, a named Inebu-hedge - « White walls ». Then the name "Memphis" has appeared, it occurs ostensibly from name Mennefer Pepi, a funeral complex of the pharaoh of VI dynasty Pepi I. In Egypt Memphis was known also under name Anh Taui (« the Life of two grounds ») or Iti Taui (« Uniting two ground »), that like would emphasize his strategic position on border between the Top and the Bottom Egypt. Word Anh Taui in general sounds as a name of the river Akhtuba. The symbolic of Memphis-Rome as « the Life of two grounds » is precisely traced in early Roman coins III-I of centuries B.C., shown in tables I-IV [631] and representing two-faced Janus - a head looking in two parties to Europe and Asia.

I believe, that the sleeve of Volga Akhtuba is the largest and most ancient irrigational construction of planet long ness 537 km, and constructed man-madly about 2700 years ago.
By words Herodotus, the city of Memphis (becoming then) has been erected by Rome tsar Mine who has ordered to construct a dam to change a direction of a channel of the river, going about city, and on a place strew an old bend it has constructed city.

It turns out, that about modern Volgograd water has been started up on one of old channel of Volga. When this system was used, on island between Volga and Akhtuba wheat and other products were raised. It was the largest agricultural region of the world. When the civilization there from left, the ground has become covered by saline soils. People have stopped to use this system more 1000 years ago.

Kind from space to Volga and its sleeve Akhtuba.
Akhtuba proceeds in the left corner of a picture.
Memphis-Rome stood on the right (the Asian coast) and
On island between Volga and Akhtuba.

Let's result a part of the list of pharaohs of Egypt, corresponding to considered time on work « Chronology of bible Egypt »:

35.(35) Userkare (543-490)
36.(36) Merire Pepi I., Meri-taui (490-468)
37.(37) Merenre Merenre I., Antiemsaf I (468-463)
38.(38) Neferkare Pepi II., Phiops II (456-362)
39.(39) Merenre (II.) Nemtiemsaf Antiemsaf II, Merienre (362-361)
40.(40) Netjerikare Neterikare (361-359)
41.(41) Menkare (-)
42.(42) Neferkare Neferkare II (-)
43.(43) Neferkare Nebi (-)
44.(44) Djedkare Schemai (-)
45.(45) Neferkare Chendu (-)
46.(46) Merenhor Merienhor (-)
47.(47) Neferkamin Seneferka (-)
48.(48) Nikare I (-)
49.(49) Neferkare Tereru Neferkare V (-)
50.(50) Neferkahor (-)
51.(51) Neferkare Pepi seneb Nefer-ka-Re scheri, Neferkare Pepisonbe Неферкара (-)
52.(52) Neferkamin Anu Seneferka Anu (-)
53.(53) Qaikaure Qakare Ibi (-)
54.(54) Neferkaure (-)
55.(55) Neferkauhor Neferkauhor Chuwi Hapi (-)
56.(56) Neferirkare Neferkare II (-)
57.(57) Nebhepetre Mentuhotep II (266-215)
58.(58) Seanchkare Mentuhotep III (214-212)
(59) Mentuhotep IV (212-195)
59.(60) Sehetepibre Amenemhet I., Amenemhat I., Amenemes (210-180)
60.(61) Cheperkare Sesostris I., Sen-wosret, Sesonchosis (180-144)
61.(62) Nebukaure Amenemhet II (144-106)
62.(63) Chaicheperre Sesostris II., Senwosret II (106-89)
63.(64) Chaikaure Sesostris III, Senwosret III (89-49)
64.(65) Nimaatre Amenemhet III, Ammenemes, Lamares Attack of Rome to Egypt (49-7)
65.(66) Maacherure Amenemhet IV, Ammenemes (18-7)
(67) Nefrusebek Cleopatra Friendship with Emperors of Rome (7-3)
Enthralment of Egypt by Romans - Hyksos in “0” A.C.

It turns out, that the city has been incorporated at pharaoh Userkare (543-490), and the name has received at pharaoh Pepi I (490-468). In the Roman sources this time of the beginning is of early republic 510-509 B.C.

By words Herodotus, the city has been erected by tsar Mine who has ordered to construct a dam, to change a direction of a channel of the river, going about city, and on a place strew an old bend it has constructed city. It is obvious, that there is a sleeve of Volga Akhtuba and it old channel in area of village Selitrennoe. In the Greek mythology, Memphis has been named in honor of tsarina Memphis, wives Epafosa (son Zeus and Io), based city. Egyptian historian Manefon (ostensibly IV-III centuries B.C.) named the city of Hi-Ku-Ptah (« the House oppress Ptah »), that on - Greece was said as A ίγυπτ o ς (Ajguptos). From here there was antique and modern name of Egypt.

The version about the possible basis of city and Io is not deprived by son Zeus of the bases. Children of the God - father lived many hundreds years and steel for usual people the present gods entering into the whole pantheon of gods.

Within Millennia Memphis-Rome was cultural, administrative and shopping center which involved dealers and pilgrims from all parts Europe and Asia.

Now it is considered, that Memphis is in 19 km to the south of Cairo. Falsifiers of a history assert that the city gradually collapsed and our time has reached completely covered with silt. The whole buildings practically did not remain. Now Memphis is a museum open-air. Till now proceed excavation, however they are complicated a high level of underground waters and that ruins of former capital lay under private possession, to put palm groves. It means, that ancient city in Egypt actually nobody has found.

Further we compare time of the beginning of late republic 265-264 B.C. to the list of pharaohs (look above). Date coincides with the beginning of board of pharaoh Mentuhotep II (266-215), and up to him the information about 16-th pharaohs completely is absent in modern Egyptology. Probably, these pharaohs corrected in Egypt on Volga and stayed in Memphis-Rome, peacefully getting on with Romans. Then in 265 B.C. republicans have expelled pharaohs to the African Egypt, and the city began to be called as Rome. The Egyptian name and pagan beliefs have been cleaned from a history of Rome. The second republican period has created surprising opportunities for blossoming the Roman republic, and then and empires. According to work on coins [631] Romans had no money and coins up to 268 B.C., there was only economic contract about trade with Carthago. It is possible to explain this strangeness to that in Rome up to 268 B.C. used the Egyptian money.

Having found independence of Egypt, Romans have directed the expansion on the West and the East. His partner in the western direction became Bosporus an empire based about 450 B.C. - within board Mentuhotep II, and minting own gold, silver and copper money. Besides the power, had on Black Sea, perhaps, the most powerful trading and military fleet of that time. After the Black Sea coast of Caucasus the coast of modern Georgia and Turkey has been mastered, where was formed Pontus an Empire (Pontus or Punt) in the middle of IV century B.C. Rome, at support Bosporus, has directed the trading and military efforts to opening in Mediterranean sea the colonies and an establishment of business and political communications with already existing cities on islands of modern Greece and Turkey. It is not surprising, that the passage between Black and sea of Marmora refers to Bosporus, Bosporus Empire this one and too a word. Colonies were open also on the Balkans, northern and southern Italy. At last Roman court and colonists have reached Sicily and Carthago in Africa.

Carthago has been based ostensibly in 814 B.C. [659-663] actually political system in city issued only in 450 B.C. when in Carthago there was an authority of the aristocracy headed by advice by the judge from 104 person. It is considered, that in Carthago decisions were accepted with people (plebs), and the aristocracy has been struck with corruption. Nevertheless, Carthago was the present democratic republic based, probably, by immigrants from ancient Memphis-Rome on Akhtuba.

By the moment of collision of interests of Carthago and Rome in the Mediterranean, at Carthago the strong fleet and developed economic relations with all next regions was. Romans on the West Carthago showed to promotion worthy resistance. This conflict has led to a series of long Punic wars. The history of these wars is well-known, only it is necessary to take into account the information that Carthago directly to Rome could not attack in any way as Rome was about Caspian Sea. Punic wars passed during 264 for 146 B.C. It is interesting, that anybody seriously does not discuss absurd of behavior Hannibal in war with Romans and his victories over Italy when it total has broken all armies of the opponent, but has overlooked to attack Rome! Hannibal has ostensibly passed by Rome in 216 B.C. and at all has not noticed it.

Campaign Hannibal with victories over Italy.
It has not noticed Rome - in fact the city there was not!

At last, after a victory over Carthago, Rome has had an opportunity free to become stronger in Spain, Gallia and to reach Britain. Africa, Sicily and the western islands of Mediterranean Sea became colonies and provinces of Rome. Sea expansion of Rome was added to campaigns of a land forces through the Balkans on the West to Gallia, Spain, Britain and Germany.

In the Orient Rome had the economic and military interests. Trade went through port Ostia - modern Astrakhan. Long centuries Romans were not at war in the East and were with the states of region in friendly attitudes.

Thus, ancient Rome has consisted of three parts: a mega city of Rome and adjoining to it of allies - Bosporus Empires and Ostia.

At emperor August in end I of a century B.C. Roman Empire has attacked the old historical contender - Egypt. In 509 B.C. Romans have expelled the Egyptian pharaoh Userkare identified in the Roman history with Lucy Tarcviny Proud (535-509). Then the late republican period was marked by final break with Egypt in 265 B.C. and dispatch of pharaoh Mentuhotep II. By zero year of our era Egypt has lost the sovereignty and became a province of the Roman Empire. It was the period Hyksos gains. In Egypt the capital Romans - Hyksos Avaris in delta of Nile has been constructed. Occupation of Egypt proceeded up to the middle of III century. During this period Rome has untied war with the allies in the East - in Asia Minor, in the Near East and in Persia.

In III century to authority in Rome there came Emperors Gordian, it come from Egypt. The decline of Roman Empire from now on begins with finding independence by Egypt at Gordian III - pharaoh Ahmose (238-263). Political crisis of empire has amplified by economic pressure of Egyptians - Romans have been cut off from east silver by 272-273 during board Amenophis I. Then in 324 pharaoh Thutmoses III grasps Rome - Memphis on Akhtuba. To city the ancient Egyptian name comes back. This defeat has catastrophically affected all economy of empire and has caused financial crisis 324. Romans - Israelis as adherents of monotheism have got in spiritual and legal slavery to pagans from Africa. In 337 under impacts of armies of pharaoh Thutmoses III the sea stronghold of ancient Rome - Bosporus an Empire has fallen. The empire appeared cut off also from sources of gold, copper and bronze.

After defeat from Egyptians in the state some capitals operated. In the West capital Cesar was Treveri, and in the East capital was Antiohia. Emperor Diocletian in the beginning of IV century has made the capital Nikomedia. In parallel emperor of new Byzantium Empire Constantine I Great has based the capital on Bosporus and the Gold Horn in 330 year. The city began to refer to Constantinople.

In 378 Flavy Theodosius Arbat, becoming Leader Moesiea and emperor Theodosius I Great has resulted almost all population of Memphis-Rome in Bosporus an Empire, practically completely having ruined it. In the beginning of January 379 years it has transferred Romans-Israelis to Crimea through horn Tuzla on ice of Black Sea. Armies of pharaoh Thutmoses IV have broken thin ice and have sunk in the sea. The fact of ruin Bosporus of an empire has got in an official history under the name Hun invasions.

In 440 nephew of Flavy Theodosius Arbat - Attila, known in the Bible under a name Joshua, and in the Byzantium chronicles under a name emperor Theodosius II, has headed the second outcome of Romans-Israelis from Memphis-Rome on Volga. Flight Romans has been caused by change of a religious rate of Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamen from a position of monotheism on old pagan beliefs. The official history has named campaign Attila next Hun the invasion which has swept on the grounds of the Roman and Byzantium Empires. Activity Attila both century political and economic pressure of Egypt has led to full disappearance of Roman Empire in V century.

The place of Roman Empire was borrowed with the second Rome - Constantinople and the Byzantium Empire. Campaigns Attila has finished a thousand-year epoch of ancient Rome - Memphis. On a place of this city long time existed Ytil - capital of Hazard Hagan while it has not been erased from the person of the ground in 965 by Russian prince and Great Hagan Svajtoslav, having a title of Emperor Christopher in the Byzantium Empire. Then on these ruins the city the Saray-Batu in 1240 has been constructed by Khan Batij. The city stood on the Great silk way, and some time was capital of Golden Horde. There lived from 70000 up to 600000 inhabitants, and it was the largest city of Europe. In 1395 him has attacked Tamerlan and has completely destroyed surrounding cities, but the Saray-Batu has not touched, however soon the city has become empty and by XV century has stopped existence. Now there the village Selitrennoe of area Harabalinsk of the Astrakhan area, probably, settles down. The village costs on a sleeve of Volga under the name Akhtuba, and around there are some high hills. Red Hill is ancient Capitol.

Kind from space on I shall understand Volga and Akhtuba.
In these places there were cities of Memphises, Rome, Ytil, the Saray-Batu.

This unique historical area uses weak interest on the part of historians and other scientists. In second half XVI centuries under the imperial Decree there was an analysis of ” Tatar ruins “. Ivan Terrible would not like to destroy remains of city. The brick was taken out to Astrakhan for construction of the Kremlin. In days of Russian empire there were V.N. Tatischev's (1741) travel, academician I.P. Falk (1770), P.S. Pallas (1772), columns I. Pototsky (1797), but they have left only the description of these places. In 1836 M.S. Rybushkin has made small excavation. In 1893 ruins were examined by archeologist A.A. Spitsyn. During Soviet time in 1922 F.V. Ballod has organized expedition to this area, has collected coins and has made little excavations, then fell asleep their ground. Per 1928-1931 archeologist P.S. roar has dug out only in part some objects. With 1959 for 1990 area expeditions IA AR surveyed the USSR and PAE IA the Russian Academy of Science, they have made the plan of "town", have made partial excavation. The size of holes made all a little bit hundreds square meters. But there actively work modern selector of treasures. It is possible to declare responsibly, that excavation in area of a presence of the most ancient cities and capitals of the world remind game of children in a sandbox. Depth excavations are extremely small. At the organization of serious and regular researches of this region is probably detection on the big depth of ruins of Memphis-Rome on coast of Akhtuba - Tiber. Only political will and state financing of works is necessary for this purpose.


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