Russian people will consist of a conglomerate of various small and big peoples of the Russian Federation. The basic part of the population names itself Russian. Thus Russian people actually does not have own statehood. Russia is arranged by a federal principle according to which there are national republics and the independent edges determined on borders of residing of separate Ethnos as historically developed steady social groups of people. However the Ethnos having territorial possession have appeared man-madly by political manipulations of masters of Russia. For example, in days of Ivan Terrible, there was Nogai Horde borrowing territory of the Bottom Volga region down to the Ural Mountains. Today there is no Republic of Nogai, but there is Tatarstan, Mordva or Bashkiria though all these grounds rule by Nogaian. There is also in Russia a Jewish autonomous region on Amur though such ethnos in Primorski Krai did exist never. The huge part of territory of Siberia is borrowed with Republic Saha or Yakutia, but this republic is an invention of a communistic mode of the USSR. Therefore national – territorial division of the Russian Federation has provocative character and can lead in the future to split of the country. Under the Constitution the main carrier of the sovereignty of the country is multinational people. Last years economic and political experiments in Russia have proved to people, that they are practically deprived of civil rights and cannot influence ruling elite. People appeared discharged from authority and completely disoriented in the political plan. The most unprotected there was Russian people, which interests represents nobody, though the authority continuously refers that she де and is the servant of Russian people. Political elections have turned to a farce, the existing authority by swindle, falsifications, forgery and payoff of voters manipulates broad masses was able. The oligarchic control system of Russia named Putin’s a vertical of authority is constructed. Normal democratic institutes do not work in Russia as people do not have enough political formation and culture for protection of the rights. In Russia the executive authority creates completely imitating structures of democracy – political parties, public organizations, trade unions, courts and legislative and executive authority. The mass-media completely submit to groups of anonymous authority and oligarchic structures of the Kremlin. The actual owner of Russia is the groups of the anonymous authority which have been given birth by the international network structures world behind side scene. Consequences of such arrangement of a society it is all before eyes. Russian people is promptly dies out with a speed about one million person in year, on the other hand small republics amaze with the birth rate. Дисбаланс structures of the population every year amplifies. We believe that this policy of destruction of own people has the purposeful and refined character. How to resist to these tendencies, to keep and increase Russian and as a whole all Russian people? We think that the root of a problem is covered in absence of capable and lawful elite of Russian people. Governors of Russia last 500 years did everything to deprive Russian people of ancient aristocracy, to usurp authority and to impose to people such form of board when the population is completely discharged of political and economic authority. Ivan Terrible has personally destroyed the most part of patrimonial aristocracy of Russia, having created model of an imperial monarchy and having generated man-made elite from опричников and noblemen personally devoted to it. Ivan Terrible business Romanov’s House which has finished a monarchy up to абсолюта, having created under national has continued empire. The aristocracy of Russian empire was formed of the foreigners titled, hereditary, personal and беспоместных the noblemen, deserved the position by personal fidelity by Romanov. Thus the ancient nobility from descendants of princely and seigniorial sorts was exposed to discrimination and in due course has lost privileges and real authority, as making a competition to a ruling mode. After revolution of 1917 Bolsheviks have made everything to destroy the imperial elite, to some extent being aristocracy of Russian people. By times of communistic revolution the ancient aristocracy of Russia has completely mixed up with people as some centuries have been deprived the political and economic rights in imperial Russia. Ancient noblemen who has supported in due time Ivan Terrible crimes and Romanov’s act on a throne of Russia, also have suffered from communistic reprisals. Therefore descendants of ancient aristocracy of Russia who has already undergone in the past from Ivan Terrible and Romanov’s, have managed to be kept in broad masses in XX century. The communistic mode of the USSR tried to create own elite - aristocracy of workers and peasants. Historical experience has shown that this experiment has ended with a full failure. The USSR has collapsed as an ear on clay legs. The so-called elite of the USSR with pleasure has destroyed old political build, trying to grasp the national property and to remain at fed authorities. As a result of wreck of the USSR in 90th year the Russian Federation in which for 18 years of changes and continuous political and economic reforms there was an odious oligarchic mode has appeared. It is possible to name top of this board Putin’s vertical of authority. V.V. Putin has generated the new maximum elite of Russia consisting of people personally devoted to it, connected with it study in one educational institutions, work in bodies of KGB and then in authorities of Petersburg. The elite has replenished with people which can be attributed to нацменьшинствам who has managed in the shortest terms in 90th years to plunder and privatize more and more or less worth national property of the USSR. Principles of formation of the maximum elite of Russia were under construction only on laws and orders of groups of anonymous authority therefore the structure of new elite has the character closed from a society and carefully disappears from extraneous eyes. Representatives of power structures, bodies of mass-media and selling officials have come in the closed groupings executive and legislature. The judicial system has turned to an appendage of executive authority. Actually newly appeared Putin’s the elite will consist today from some thousand person, including close relatives authority keepers. Legitimacy of such elite completely is absent therefore the Kremlin has created the state system of corruption replacing mutual responsibility of mafia clans. The Kremlin has made the bottom step of elite a class of officials which has taken a place of estate of noblemen of imperial Russia and became a superstructure parasitizing on a society. In anyone раскладе people of Russia appeared once again at the broken trough of a history. Let's understand that such elite, aristocracy and oligarchy. Elite it is most prominent representatives of any part of a society, a grouping or the state. The elite on the structure is not a constant component of a society, she all time varies and cannot be a cementing, binding basis of a political system or the population. Qualities of elite are not handed down and do not take root in the artificial image. However the elite can try to keep in the violent way the gains if she possesses economic, executive and legislature. The elite try through children and grandsons to drag the status in the future, hoping to be fixed in top of a society forever. Naturally to make it is impossible, therefore all such attempts are beforehand doomed for a failure. The word aristocracy has taken place from Greek « the notable person, a noble origin » and « authority, the state, power ». The aristocracy is an exclusive class of a society, basically, consisting of representatives of the noblest families. As aristocracy the form of the state board as minority best old representatives of a society, as against individual hereditary board of the monarch, individual elective board of the tyrant or democracy also refers to. Features of the given form of board can be seen in some cities – states of antiquity, as Ancient Rome, Sparta and medieval republics of Europe. The term "Aristocracy" is entered into the use by antique philosophers – idealists by Plato and Aristotle. The main features of aristocracy on Plato: 1. The state philosophers correct;
2. The country is protected by soldiers and aristocrats;
3. Handicraftsmen below cost;
4. All population shares on 3 estates;
5. Philosophers and soldiers should not have a private property. The basic difference of aristocracy from oligarchy is the care of aristocracy of the blessing of all state, instead of is extreme about the blessing of own class, that similarly to distinction between a monarchy and tyranny. The word oligarchy has taken place from the Greek words "a little" and "authority". The oligarchy is the form of board the state at which the authority is concentrated in hands of a narrow circle of persons (oligarchs) and corresponds to their personal interests, instead of the general blessing. The term has originally started to use in Ancient Greece Plato and Aristotle. Aristotle used the term "oligarchy" in value « authority rich », opposing thus oligarchy of aristocracy. Aristotle considered that there are three ideal forms of board: a monarchy, aristocracy and Polities, also counted oligarchy a deviation from aristocracy. We shall result some citations from work Aristotle Policy: « In effect, tyranny – the same monarchic authority, but meaning interests of one governor; the oligarchy watch over the interests of prosperous classes; democracy – interests of deprived classes; any of these deviating forms of the state organization in a kind has no general advantage» Aristotle counted democracy smaller evil, than oligarchy, due to the greater stability of a democratic state system: « Anyway, democratic build represents the big safety and less often attracts behind itself internal indignations, rather than build oligarchic. In oligarchies keep germs of a double sort of disorders: contentions of oligarchs with each other and, besides their disagreement with people; in democracies there is only one kind of indignations - indignation against oligarchy; against itself people - and should be emphasized it - to revolt not begins » Arisyotle counted any oligarchy imperfect so, describing a state system of Sparta with its "rotational" oligarchy Euphoria’s, tsars limiting authority, it wrote: « Business with Euphoria Poorly is. This authority at them knows the major branches of management; she from the environment of all civilians so in structure of the government people absolutely poor which can be bribed » get frequently replenishes However, and the opinion distributed in his time on necessity of a property qualification at election of the most worthy candidates as it occurred in Carthage, Aristotle also rejected because of « purchase of authority »: « All more deviates from aristocratic building aside oligarchies Carthage state system valid here what belief divided by the majority: they consider, that officials should be selected not only on the basis of a noble origin, but also on the basis of riches because the poor person cannot operate well and to have for this purpose enough leisure. But if election of officials on the basis of riches is peculiar to oligarchy, and on the basis of virtue - to aristocracy we by virtue of it could consider as third that kind of a political system in which spirit at Carthage’s the state orders are organized; in fact they select officials, and besides the meanest - tsars and commanders, considering these two conditions. But from aristocratic building it is necessary to see a mistake of the legislator in such deviation … Though should be considered and that the riches promote leisure, however it is bad, when maximum of posts, imperial advantage and strategy, can be bought for money … It is quite natural, that buying authority for money time get used to profit it, receiving a post, they get lost; incredibly, that the person poor and decent has wished to benefit, and the person is worse, to be extended, would not wish it » Thus, problems of the present thousand years ago were actual is for Plato and Aristotle. Today policies to us tell, that де have changed a formation of a society, has passed so much time and the mankind left far forward. As we see, as a matter of fact has changed nothing, except for improvement of quality of a life, increase of comfort and increase in the population of a planet. Thus is well overlooked old new it always. In what a principal cause of degradation of Russian and Russian people in our opinion? We believe that the quintessence of a problem consists in absence of patrimonial aristocracy in system of authority. People here 500 years is torn off by artificial way the primogenitors - carriers of national and cultural traditions. Thus the patrimonial aristocracy has not disappeared, is simple its representatives are discharged of a political life and government. All this is equal as to resolve to schoolboys and children independently to make of the decision on the education and a management of family. People are a uniform organism with the patrimonial aristocracy but if it is deprived heads the population degrades and dies out because of a natural inconsistency. Millennia of a history of a human civilization have shown that there is a unique stable way of transfer of the information and authority – through genes of people. In families of simple people girls that breaks continuity of a sort is more often are born. Natural selection has proved that the best natural guarantors of development of ethoses are representatives of patrimonial aristocracy. For Russian people it is representatives of princely surnames, and for all Russian people it is families of Princes and Khans from dynasties of tsar of tsars. Only in these surnames are born, basically, boys who transfer genetically knowledge and a name of family are farther on a vital way. In small republics and on Caucasus till now be respected also real authority аксакалы from patrimonial aristocracy. In these national formations the state of affairs is much better, than in all Russia. People breeds and multiplied, traditions are strong and ancient sorts are respected by people. The human nature is arranged so, that harmonious development of people occurs only in case of natural association of people and his best, ancient surnames. This true diligently aspired to destroy during centuries of group of the anonymous authority, constructed on a principle of selection of the best copies of people. Substitution of natural selection is by manipulation by democratic tools appeared is pernicious for Russian people and Russia. Great force and energy of people has dissipated in kingdom of curve mirrors of a Jews-Masonic civilization. Therefore groups of anonymous authority with such ease have subordinated to themselves huge peoples and the states. Creative and creative force of Russian people has been decapitated and castrated by aggressors. People without a head does not have future, it forgets the past, suffers in the present. Today unique output for Russian people and all Russia is to restore position and a role of patrimonial, ancient aristocracy of Russia. In fact the aristocracy of Russia has created people – Russian. Not without reason people has received such name Russian is an adjective from Russia. The ancient aristocracy of Russia can create new, progressive elite of Russia. The aristocracy will integrate into the numbers of outstanding people from among military leaders, managers, managers, writers, scientific, artists, poets, sportsmen, teachers, doctors, workers and peasants. The elite will create new labor dynasties, to help talented and perspective young people to be defined in a life. For special merits any person can forever receive chance to be fixed in aristocracy. If the aristocrat will dishonor the name and a sort his family can lose position of the aristocrat. Let's paraphrase Plato about features of aristocracy in Russia: 1. The state professionals correct;
2. The country protected by Princes and Varyags (Vikings);
3. Riches create free people and Varyags;
4. The population shares on Princes, Varyags and free people;
5. Representatives of executive, legislative and judicial authority cannot be engaged in business. We have offered to realization a natural way of steady and stable development of Russia - attraction of aristocracy of Russia to government. For this purpose it is necessary to generate three estates of Russia: Princes, Varyags (Vikings) and free people. The political system of Russia should include the Duma consisting of three components: Earthen Assemblies, Assemblies of Princes and the supreme body of authority – Grand Prince of All Russia. The Lower chamber of the Duma – Earthen Assembly is completed from the deputies who are included in estate Varyags. Only politically and civil mature representatives of people – Varyags, can politicize and get out in legislative assemblies of regions and the countries. Elections have general character all free citizens of Russia participate in them. The Upper chamber of the Duma – Assembly of Princes is made of the most worthy representatives of Princely sorts. Deputies are selected on family advice. Withdraw the deputy the princely surname can only. The supreme body executive and legislature Grand Prince of All Russia gets out voting by show of hands of Assembly of princes of number most worthy candidates. It affirms Earthen assembly and becomes national the elected head of the country. Grand Prince of All Russia appoints the Government and Prime-minister of Minister who affirms Assembly of Princes and Earthen Assembly. Grand Prince of All Russia appoints heads of regions and the national formations confirmed by Assembly of Princes. The offered structure of authority of Russia is not republican, but remains democratic. She integrates on a new coil of a spiral of development of a society together ancient customs and traditions with modern representations of people about the general blessing, the account of expectations and inquiries of all people. In this system of authority of the right of each person are protected by the law, honor and advantage Varyags and Princes. The judicial authority is formed Earthen Assembly and remains too independent from maximum legislative and executive authority. We believe that the aristocracy and people should find reconciliation and forces for creation and progress to pull out Russia from paws of favorites, to provide to the country and the population prosperity, to return confidence of tomorrow's day for our children and descendants. Russia is this treasure which needs to be held strong in hands and to stop destruction and plunder of the riches which have been saved up by our ancestors. Who except for us is able to do it? Grand Prince Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev 03-04.12.2009.